
255 lines
8.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2018-07-03 03:51:33 +00:00
//Steam Colors
black="0 0 0 255"
dark="35 35 35 255"
almostBlack="22 22 22 255"
almostBlackTrans="22 22 22 204"
white="255 255 255 255"
grey="153 153 153 255"
none="0 0 0 0"
yellow="255 255 0 255"
offwhite="164 164 164 255"
dullgreen="216 222 211 255"
maize="203 191 87 255"
red="255 51 51 255"
darkblue="39 100 130 255"
blue="54 143 179 255"
darkred="128 0 0 255"
darkpurple="64 0 64 255"
dark_blue "2 15 23 255"
med_blue "13 52 82 255"
bg_blue "10 36 56 255"
// control colors
bordercolor="102 102 102 255"
darkcorner="73 73 73 255"
// new control colors
ButtonFace="102 102 102 200"
ButtonFace2="80 80 80 255" // for use in main client list panel column header, some button states
ButtonFace3="92 92 92 255" // button cornering pixels
ButtonFaceDisabled="102 102 102 15"
ButtonFaceHover="99 99 99 240" /// hover!
ButtonFaceActive="102 102 102 240" // not sure what this state is...
ButtonFaceFocus="105 105 105 240" // keyboard focus
ButtonFaceActiveFocus="105 105 105 255" // this is the default choice
BlueBorder="33 33 33 255"
ButtonBorder="89 89 89 255"
ButtonBorderSubtle="79 79 79 255"
ButtonBorderPage="124 124 124 255"
ButtonBorderDisabled="75 75 75 255"
ButtonBorderDisabled2="65 65 65 255" //cornering pixels
ButtonBorderActive="125 125 125 255"
ButtonBorderFocus="137 137 137 255"
ButtonBorderFocusSubtle="122 122 122 255"
Text="207 207 207 255"
Text2="180 180 180 255"
TextDisabled="99 99 99 255"
TextHover="226 226 226 255"
TextSelected="239 239 239 255"
TextentrySelected="237 237 237 235" // color of any selected text
TextSelectedBG="37 89 148 255" // background color of any selected text
TextGlowHover="124 124 124 255"
TextGlowSelected="169 169 169 255"
TextGlowHoverSm="123 123 123 255"
TextGlowSelectedSm="142 142 142 255"
NavLabel="153 153 153 255"
Label="168 168 168 255"
Label2="111 111 111 255"
LabelDisabled="115 115 115 255"
LabelFocus="196 196 196 255"
ScrollGlyph="198 198 198 255" // the color of the scroll bar arrows
ScrollGlyphDisabled="74 74 74 255"
ScrollGlyphFocus="242 242 242 255"
ScrollBG="54 54 54 255" // the color of the scroll bar gutter
HeaderClient="53 53 53 255" // the color of the List box header in the main client window
HeaderDialog="92 92 92 255" // the color of the list box header in other windows
//TitleBar="26 26 26 80"
//TitleBarFocus="14 31 56 80"
MenuBG="68 68 68 255"
Focus="25 55 84 255" // background color of any selected menu or list item
Focus2="21 70 107 255" // background color of view buttons and anything else in focus that needs more 'punch'
Focus3="82 82 82 255" // background color of highlighted friends
Focus4="67 158 191 255" // bright cyan used in progress bars
FocusGrid="85 117 161 240" // background color of any grid item
Highlight="16 53 82 120" // same as focus
Highlight1="92 193 229 255" // installing hover color
Highlight2="76 159 191 255" // installing color
Highlight3="173 69 71 255" // red for errors, blocked, etc.
Highlight5="24 53 82 255" // blue
Highlight5a="30 66 102 255" // lighter version of highlight5
Highlight5b="17 42 86 255" // as highlight5 but darker, for non-focused window borders
BackgroundStartSubtle="20 20 20 155"
BackgroundStartSubtle="31 31 31 45" [$OSX]
BackgroundStartSubtlest="22 22 22 100"
BackgroundStart="22 22 22 180"
BackgroundStartOpaque="35 35 35 255"
ClientBG="30 30 30 255"
ClientBGTop="25 32 46 255"
ClientGrouper="41 42 46 255"
DialogBG="38 38 38 255"
DialogBGFade1="56 56 56 255"
DialogBGFade2="56 56 56 0"
DarkClientBG="35 35 35 255"
DarkDialogBG="38 38 38 255"
DarkClientBGTransparent="35 35 35 19"
DarkDialogBGTransparent="55 55 55 170"
GameDetailsBlueTransparent="71 148 179 60"
GameDetailsGreenTransparent="71 148 179 160"
GameDetailsRedTransparent="71 148 179 160"
GameDetailsBlue="71 148 179 255"
GameDetailsGreen="71 148 179 255"
GameDetailsRed="71 148 179 255"
PropertySheetBG="58 58 58 255"
InteriorColor="52 52 52 255"
DialogBorder="117 117 117 255" // border color around any dialog
FillBG1="62 62 62 255" //gradient colors
FillBG2="69 69 69 255"
MenuBG1="75 75 75 255" //gradient colors
MenuBG2="54 54 54 255"
Divider="86 86 86 255"
SuperDivider="71 71 71 255"
DarkImageBorder="48 48 48 255"
DarkImageOverlay="0 0 0 80"
inbox_active "158 194 29 255"
inbox_active2 "155 199 9 255"
inbox_active4 "122 145 71 255"
inbox_active5 "85 102 47 255"
inbox_inactive "38 38 37 255"
inbox_inactive2 "142 194 12 255"
inbox_inactive4 "122 145 71 255"
inbox_inactive5 "74 102 29"
parental_lock_active1 "138 175 6 255"
parental_lock_active2 "49 49 49 255"
parental_lock_active4 "122 145 71 255"
parental_lock_active5 "85 102 47 255"
green5 "126 166 75 255"
green6 "92 126 16 255"
green7 "62 90 22 255"
green8 "38 48 2 255"
launch0 "119 215 250 255"
launch1 "83 172 204 255"
launch2 "54 125 153 255"
parental_lock_inactive1 "154 49 48 255"
parental_lock_inactive2 "189 79 79 255"
parental_lock_inactive3 "215 90 90 255"
parental_lock_inactive4 "146 72 71 255"
parental_lock_inactive5 "103 48 47 255"
red6="38 1 1 255"
// colors pulled from steamscheme.res
"ClayBG" "70 70 70 255"
"ClayButtonBG" "85 85 85 255"
"ClayEnabled" "88 88 88 255"
"ClayKeyFocus" "92 92 92 255"
"ClayMouseDown" "85 85 85 255"
"ClayDisabledText" "134 134 134 255"
"ClayLightGreen" "173 181 168 255" // frame button (close X) etc
"ClayDimLightGreen" "166 172 162 255" // frame button and title without focus etc
"LightClayBG" "104 106 101 255" // property sheet interior, active tab
"LightClayButtonBG" "125 128 120 255" // buttons on property sheet interior, active tab
"DarkClayBG" "47 49 45 255" // shadow
"p_ClayMouseDown" "94 94 94 255"
"ClaySheetBottom" "92 90 87 255"
"MaizeBG" "145 134 60 255" // background color of any selected text or menu item
"GreenBG" "76 88 68 255"
"LightGreenBG" "90 106 80 255" // darker background color
"DarkGreenBG" "62 70 55 255" // background color of text edit panes (chat, text Entries, etc.)
"LightGrayBG" "121 126 121 255"
"GrayBG" "73 73 73 255"
"GrayBG2" "37 37 37 255"
"TempGradientTop" "52 52 52 255"
DragDrop.DragFrame "255 255 255 192"
DragDrop.DropFrame "150 255 150 255"
ListPanel.TextColor Text
ListPanel.BgColor none
ListPanel.SelectedTextColor TextentrySelected
ListPanel.SelectedBgColor TextSelectedBG
ListPanel.SelectedOutOfFocusBgColor ClientBG
ListPanel.DisabledTextColor TextDisabled
ListPanel.DisabledSelectedTextColor ClientBG
ListPanel.EmptyListInfoTextColor Label
WizardPanel.HeaderBGColor HeaderDialog
PropertySheet.FlashTabColor "76 159 191 255"
html.secureurl "126 166 75 255"
html.insecureurl "173 69 72 255"
TextEntry.IMEBGColor "225 225 225 255"
TextEntry.IMEFGColor "black"
// Friends List colors
2018-07-03 09:43:02 +00:00
// Origin Color Is Current Color's RGB + 60(84 126 0 255 to 144 186 60 255)
Friends.InGameColor "84 126 0 255"
Friends.InGameHoverColor "122 175 16 255"
Friends.OnlineColor "24 105 136 255"
Friends.OnlineHoverColor "44 143 182 255"
Friends.OfflineColor "67 67 67 255"
Friends.OfflineHoverColor "125 125 125 255"
2018-07-03 03:51:33 +00:00
Friends.PanelDefault "Label"
Friends.PanelOver "Text"
Friends.PanelSelected "ClientBG"
Friends.SectionHeader "Label"
Friends.NoAvatarOver "Text"
Friends.IgnoredColor "White"
Friends.ListHeaderFadeOut "54 54 54 0"
Friends.GoldenColor "255 255 99 255"
// Friends.GoldenColor "228 202 99 255"
Friends.GoldenHoverColor "255 255 180 255"
// Friends.GoldenHoverColor "248 218 109 255"
ChatDialog.URLColor "text"
//ChatOwnTextColor "Label"
2018-07-03 14:38:38 +00:00
ChatOwnTextColor "0 25 128 255"
2018-07-03 03:51:33 +00:00
//ChatDialog.HistoryColor "124 124 124 255"
2018-07-03 14:38:38 +00:00
ChatDialog.HistoryColor "100 100 100 255"
2018-07-03 03:51:33 +00:00
ChatGradientTop "39 39 39 255"
ChatGradientBottom "104 104 104 255"
dd_texture_bottom "16 16 16 255"