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import Telegram from '../client/Telegram';
import { Friend, FriendInfo, Group } from 'oicq';
import { config } from '../providers/userConfig';
import { Button } from 'telegram/tl/custom/button';
import { getLogger } from 'log4js';
import { getAvatar } from '../utils/urls';
import { CustomFile } from 'telegram/client/uploads';
import db from '../providers/db';
import { Api, utils } from 'telegram';
import commands from '../constants/commands';
import OicqClient from '../client/OicqClient';
import { md5 } from '../utils/hashing';
import TelegramChat from '../client/TelegramChat';
import forwardPairs from '../providers/forwardPairs';
import bigInt from 'big-integer';
const DEFAULT_FILTER_ID = 114; // 514
export default class ConfigService {
private owner: Promise<TelegramChat>;
private log = getLogger('ConfigService');
constructor(private readonly tgBot: Telegram,
private readonly tgUser: Telegram,
private readonly oicq: OicqClient) {
this.owner = tgBot.getChat(config.owner);
private getAssociateLink(roomId: number) {
return `https://t.me/${this.tgBot.me.username}?startgroup=${roomId}`;
public async configCommands() {
await this.tgBot.setCommands([], new Api.BotCommandScopeUsers());
await this.tgBot.setCommands(
config.workMode === 'personal' ? commands.personalPrivateCommands : commands.groupPrivateCommands,
new Api.BotCommandScopePeer({
peer: (await this.owner).inputPeer,
// region 打开添加关联的菜单
// 开始添加转发群组流程
public async addGroup() {
const qGroups = Array.from(this.oicq.gl).map(e => e[1])
.filter(it => !forwardPairs.find(-it.group_id));
const buttons = qGroups.map(e =>
config.workMode === 'personal' ?
`${e.group_name} (${e.group_id})`,
this.tgBot.registerCallback(() => this.createGroupAndLink(-e.group_id, e.group_name)),
)] :
`${e.group_name} (${e.group_id})`,
await (await this.owner).createPaginatedInlineSelector(
'选择 QQ 群组' + (config.workMode === 'group' ? '\n然后选择在 TG 中的群组' : ''), buttons);
// 只可能是 personal 运行模式
public async addFriend() {
const classes = Array.from(this.oicq.classes);
const friends = Array.from(this.oicq.fl).map(e => e[1]);
classes.sort((a, b) => {
if (a[1] < b[1]) {
return -1;
else if (a[1] == b[1]) {
return 0;
else {
return 1;
await (await this.owner).createPaginatedInlineSelector('选择分组', classes.map(e => [
Button.inline(e[1], this.tgBot.registerCallback(
() => this.openFriendSelection(friends.filter(f => f.class_id === e[0]), e[1]),
private async openFriendSelection(clazz: FriendInfo[], name: string) {
clazz = clazz.filter(them => !forwardPairs.find(them.user_id));
await (await this.owner).createPaginatedInlineSelector(`选择 QQ 好友\n分组${name}`, clazz.map(e => [
Button.inline(`${e.remark || e.nickname} (${e.user_id})`, this.tgBot.registerCallback(
() => this.createGroupAndLink(e.user_id, e.remark || e.nickname),
public async addExact(gin: number) {
const group = this.oicq.gl.get(gin);
let avatar: Buffer;
try {
avatar = await getAvatar(-group.group_id);
catch (e) {
avatar = null;
this.log.error(`加载 ${group.group_name} (${gin}) 的头像失败`, e);
const message = `${group.group_name}\n${group.group_id}\n${group.member_count} 名成员`;
await (await this.owner).sendMessage({
file: avatar ? new CustomFile('avatar.png', avatar.length, '', avatar) : undefined,
buttons: Button.url('关联 Telegram 群组', this.getAssociateLink(-group.group_id)),
// endregion
* @param roomId
* @param title
* @param status 传入 false 的话就不显示状态信息,可以传入一条已有消息覆盖
public async createGroupAndLink(roomId: number, title?: string, status: boolean | Api.Message = true) {
const qEntity = this.oicq.getChat(roomId);
if (!title) {
// TS 这边不太智能
if (qEntity instanceof Friend) {
title = qEntity.remark || qEntity.nickname;
else {
title = qEntity.name;
let isFinish = false;
try {
// 状态信息
if (status === true) {
const avatar = await getAvatar(roomId);
status = await (await this.owner).sendMessage({
message: '正在创建 Telegram 群…',
file: new CustomFile('avatar.png', avatar.length, '', avatar),
else if (status instanceof Api.Message) {
await status.edit({ text: '正在创建 Telegram 群…', buttons: Button.clear() });
// 创建群聊,拿到的是 user 的 chat
const chat = await this.tgUser.createChat(title, await this.getAboutText(qEntity));
// 添加机器人
status && await status.edit({ text: '正在添加机器人…' });
await chat.inviteMember(this.tgBot.me.id);
// 设置管理员
status && await status.edit({ text: '正在设置管理员…' });
await chat.setAdmin(this.tgBot.me.username);
// 添加到 Filter
status && await status.edit({ text: '正在将群添加到文件夹…' });
const dialogFilters = await this.tgUser.getDialogFilters();
const filter = dialogFilters.find(e => e.id === DEFAULT_FILTER_ID);
if (filter) {
await this.tgUser.updateDialogFilter({
// 关闭【添加成员】快捷条
status && await status.edit({ text: '正在关闭【添加成员】快捷条…' });
await chat.hidePeerSettingsBar();
// 对于私聊,默认解除静音
if (roomId > 0) {
status && await status.edit({ text: '正在解除静音…' });
await chat.setNotificationSettings({ silent: false, showPreviews: true });
// 关联写入数据库
const chatForBot = await this.tgBot.getChat(chat.id);
status && await status.edit({ text: '正在写数据库…' });
const dbPair = await forwardPairs.add(qEntity, chatForBot);
isFinish = true;
// 更新头像
status && await status.edit({ text: '正在更新头像…' });
const avatar = await getAvatar(roomId);
const avatarHash = md5(avatar);
await chatForBot.setProfilePhoto(avatar);
await db.avatarCache.create({
data: { forwardPairId: dbPair.id, hash: avatarHash },
// 完成
if (status) {
await status.edit({ text: '正在获取链接…' });
const { link } = await chat.getInviteLink();
await status.edit({
text: '创建完成!',
buttons: Button.url('打开', link),
catch (e) {
this.log.error('创建群组并关联失败', e);
await (await this.owner).sendMessage(`创建群组并关联${isFinish ? '成功了但没完全成功' : '失败'}\n<code>${e}</code>`);
public async promptNewGroup(group: Group) {
const message = await (await this.owner).sendMessage({
message: '你加入了一个新的群:\n' +
`${group.name}\n` +
`${group.info.member_count} 名成员\n` +
`群号:${group.group_id}\n` +
buttons: Button.inline('创建', this.tgBot.registerCallback(
() => this.createGroupAndLink(-group.group_id, group.name, message))),
return message;
public async createLinkGroup(qqRoomId: number, tgChatId: number) {
let message: string;
try {
const qGroup = this.oicq.getChat(qqRoomId) as Group;
const tgChat = await this.tgBot.getChat(tgChatId);
message = `QQ群${qGroup.group_id} (<code>${qGroup.group_id}</code>)已与 ` +
`Telegram 群 ${(tgChat.entity as Api.Channel).title} (<code>${tgChatId}</code>)关联`;
await forwardPairs.add(qGroup, tgChat);
catch (e) {
message = `错误:<code>${e}</code>`;
await (await this.owner).sendMessage({ message });
// 创建 QQ 群组的文件夹
public async setupFilter() {
const result = await this.tgUser.getDialogFilters();
let filter = result.find(e => e.id === DEFAULT_FILTER_ID);
if (!filter) {
this.log.info('创建 TG 文件夹');
// 要自己计算新的 id随意 id 也是可以的
// https://github.com/morethanwords/tweb/blob/7d646bc9a87d943426d831f30b69d61b743f51e0/src/lib/storages/filters.ts#L251
// 创建
filter = new Api.DialogFilter({
title: 'QQ',
pinnedPeers: [
(await this.tgUser.getChat(this.tgBot.me.username)).inputPeer,
includePeers: [],
excludePeers: [],
emoticon: '🐧',
let errorText = '设置文件夹失败';
try {
const isSuccess = await this.tgUser.updateDialogFilter({
if (!isSuccess) {
await (await this.owner).sendMessage(errorText);
catch (e) {
this.log.error(errorText, e);
await (await this.owner).sendMessage(errorText + `\n<code>${e}</code>`);
private async getAboutText(entity: Friend | Group) {
let text: string;
if (entity instanceof Friend) {
text = `备注:${entity.remark}\n` +
`昵称:${entity.nickname}\n` +
else {
const owner = entity.pickMember(entity.info.owner_id);
await owner.renew();
const self = entity.pickMember(this.oicq.uin);
await self.renew();
text = `群名称:${entity.name}\n` +
`${entity.info.member_count} 名成员\n` +
`群号:${entity.group_id}\n` +
(self ? `我的群名片:${self.title ? `${self.title}` : ''}${self.card}\n` : '') +
(owner ? `群主:${owner.title ? `${owner.title}` : ''}${owner.card || owner.info.nickname} (${owner.user_id})` : '') +
((entity.is_admin || entity.is_owner) ? '\n可管理' : '');
return text + `\n\n由 @${this.tgBot.me.username} 管理`;
public async migrateAllChats(){
const dbPairs = await db.forwardPair.findMany();
for (const forwardPair of dbPairs) {
const chatForUser = await this.tgUser.getChat(Number(forwardPair.tgChatId))
if(chatForUser.entity instanceof Api.Chat){
this.log.info('升级群组 ', chatForUser.id);
await chatForUser.migrate();