import { configure, getLogger } from 'log4js'; import Instance from './models/Instance'; import db from './models/db'; (async () => { configure({ appenders: { console: { type: 'console' }, }, categories: { default: { level: 'debug', appenders: ['console'] }, }, }); const log = getLogger('Main'); process.on('unhandledRejection', error => { log.error('UnhandledException: ', error); }); const instanceEntries = await db.instance.findMany(); const instances = [] as Instance[]; if (!instanceEntries.length) { instances.push(await Instance.start(0)); } else { for (const instanceEntry of instanceEntries) { instances.push(await Instance.start(; } } setTimeout(async () => {'开始加载 MapInstance') for (const instance of instances.filter(it => it.workMode === 'group')) { await instance.forwardPairs.initMapInstance(instances.filter(it => it.workMode === 'personal')); } }, 15 * 1000); })();