const webpack = require('webpack'); /** * Returns a modified copy of the given webpackEntry object with * the moduleId in front of all other assets. */ function prependModuleId(webpackEntry, moduleId) { if (typeof webpackEntry === 'string') { return [moduleId, webpackEntry]; } if (Array.isArray(webpackEntry)) { return [moduleId, ...webpackEntry]; } if (webpackEntry && typeof webpackEntry === 'object') { const entry = { ...webpackEntry }; for (const chunkName in entry) { if (entry.hasOwnProperty(chunkName)) { entry[chunkName] = prependModuleId(entry[chunkName], moduleId); } } return entry; } throw new Error('Invalid webpack entry object'); } /** * Creates a webpack compiler that automatically inlines the * webpack dev runtime in all entry points. */ function createDevCompiler(webpackConfig, webpackRuntimeModuleId) { return webpack({ ...webpackConfig, entry: prependModuleId(webpackConfig.entry, webpackRuntimeModuleId) }); } module.exports = createDevCompiler;