require("isomorphic-fetch"); const invariant = require("invariant"); const CloudflareEmail = process.env.CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL; const CloudflareKey = process.env.CLOUDFLARE_KEY; const RayID = process.argv[2]; invariant( CloudflareEmail, "Missing the $CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL environment variable" ); invariant(CloudflareKey, "Missing the $CLOUDFLARE_KEY environment variable"); invariant( RayID, "Missing the RAY_ID argument; use `heroku run node show-log.js RAY_ID`" ); function getZones(domain) { return fetch(`${domain}`, { method: "GET", headers: { "X-Auth-Email": CloudflareEmail, "X-Auth-Key": CloudflareKey } }) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => data.result); } function getLog(zoneId, rayId) { return fetch( `${zoneId}/logs/requests/${rayId}`, { method: "GET", headers: { "X-Auth-Email": CloudflareEmail, "X-Auth-Key": CloudflareKey } } ).then(res => (res.status === 404 ? "NOT FOUND" : res.json())); } getZones("").then(zones => { getLog(zones[0].id, RayID).then(entry => { console.log(entry); }); });