require('isomorphic-fetch') const parseURL = require('url').parse const invariant = require('invariant') const gunzip = require('gunzip-maybe') const ndjson = require('ndjson') const redis = require('redis') const CloudflareEmail = process.env.CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL const CloudflareKey = process.env.CLOUDFLARE_KEY const RedisURL = process.env.REDIS_URL invariant( CloudflareEmail, 'Missing the $CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL environment variable' ) invariant( CloudflareKey, 'Missing the $CLOUDFLARE_KEY environment variable' ) invariant( RedisURL, 'Missing the $REDIS_URL environment variable' ) /** * Domains we want to analyze. */ const DomainNames = [ //'', // We don't have log data on yet :/ '' ] /** * The window of time to download in a single fetch. */ const LogWindowSeconds = 30 /* Stuff we wanna show on the website: - Most popular packages - Protocol usage (HTTP/1.1 vs HTTP/2) - Requests per minute - Requests per day/week/month (aggregate) - Edge/cache/origin hit rates - Browser usage */ const db = redis.createClient(RedisURL) const getZones = (domain) => fetch(`${domain}`, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'X-Auth-Email': CloudflareEmail, 'X-Auth-Key': CloudflareKey } }).then(res => res.json()) .then(data => data.result) const getLogs = (zoneId, startTime, endTime) => fetch(`${zoneId}/logs/requests?start=${startTime}&end=${endTime}`, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'X-Auth-Email': CloudflareEmail, 'X-Auth-Key': CloudflareKey, 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip' } }).then(res => res.body.pipe(gunzip())) const toSeconds = (millis) => Math.floor(millis / 1000) const stringifySeconds = (seconds) => new Date(seconds * 1000).toISOString() // TODO: Copied from express-unpkg, use the same function const URLFormat = /^\/((?:@[^\/@]+\/)?[^\/@]+)(?:@([^\/]+))?(\/.*)?$/ const getPackageName = (pathname) => { const match = URLFormat.exec(pathname) return match && match[1] } const oneSecond = 1000 const oneMinute = oneSecond * 60 const oneHour = oneMinute * 60 const computeLogChanges = (stream) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const counters = {} const incrKey = (key, by = 1) => counters[key] = (counters[key] || 0) + by const incrKeyMember = (key, member, by = 1) => { counters[key] = counters[key] || {} counters[key][member] = (counters[key][member] || 0) + by } stream .pipe(ndjson.parse()) .on('error', reject) .on('data', entry => { const date = new Date(Math.round(entry.timestamp / 1000000)) const dayKey = `${date.getUTCFullYear()}-${date.getUTCMonth()}-${date.getUTCDate()}` const hourKey = `${dayKey}-${date.getUTCHours()}` const minuteKey = `${hourKey}-${date.getUTCMinutes()}` // Q: How many requests do we receive per day/hour/minute? incrKey(`stats-requests-${dayKey}`) incrKey(`stats-requests-${hourKey}`) incrKey(`stats-requests-${minuteKey}`) // Q: How many requests do we receive to edge/cache/origin per day/hour? if (entry.origin) { incrKey(`stats-originRequests-${dayKey}`) incrKey(`stats-originRequests-${hourKey}`) } else if (entry.cache) { incrKey(`stats-cacheRequests-${dayKey}`) incrKey(`stats-cacheRequests-${hourKey}`) } else { incrKey(`stats-edgeRequests-${dayKey}`) incrKey(`stats-edgeRequests-${hourKey}`) } const clientRequest = entry.clientRequest // Q: How many requests per day do we receive for a package? const uri = clientRequest.uri const package = getPackageName(parseURL(uri).pathname) if (package) incrKeyMember(`stats-packageRequests-${dayKey}`, package) // Q: How many requests per day do we receive via each protocol? const protocol = clientRequest.httpProtocol if (protocol) incrKeyMember(`stats-protocolRequests-${dayKey}`, protocol) // Q: How many requests per day do we receive from a hostname? const referer = clientRequest.referer const hostname = referer && parseURL(referer).hostname if (hostname) incrKeyMember(`stats-hostnameRequests-${dayKey}`, hostname) }) .on('end', () => { resolve(counters) }) }) const processLogs = (stream) => computeLogChanges(stream).then(counters => { Object.keys(counters).forEach(key => { const value = counters[key] if (typeof value === 'number') { // Simple counter. db.incrby(key, value) } else { // Sorted set. Object.keys(value).forEach(member => { db.zincrby(key, value[member], member) }) } }) }) const ingestLogs = (zone, startSeconds, endSeconds) => new Promise(resolve => { console.log( 'LOG: start ingesting logs for %s from %s to %s',, stringifySeconds(startSeconds), stringifySeconds(endSeconds) ) const startFetchTime = resolve( getLogs(, startSeconds, endSeconds).then(stream => { const endFetchTime = console.log( 'LOG: fetched %ds worth of logs for %s in %dms', endSeconds - startSeconds,, endFetchTime - startFetchTime ) const startProcessTime = return processLogs(stream).then(() => { const endProcessTime = console.log( 'LOG: processed %ds worth of logs for %s in %dms', endSeconds - startSeconds,, endProcessTime - startProcessTime ) }) }) ) }) const startZone = (zone) => { const startSecondsKey = `ingestLogsWorker-nextStartSeconds-${'.', '-')}` const takeATurn = () => { db.get(startSecondsKey, (error, value) => { let startSeconds = value && parseInt(value, 10) const now = // Cloudflare keeps logs around for 72 hours. // const minSeconds = toSeconds(now - oneHour * 72) if (startSeconds == null) { startSeconds = minSeconds } else if (startSeconds < minSeconds) { console.warn( 'WARNING: dropped logs for %s from %s to %s!',, stringifySeconds(startSeconds), stringifySeconds(minSeconds) ) startSeconds = minSeconds } // The log for a request is typically available within thirty (30) minutes // of the request taking place under normal conditions. We deliver logs // ordered by the time that the logs were created, i.e. the timestamp of // the request when it was received by the edge. Given the order of // delivery, we recommend waiting a full thirty minutes to ingest a full // set of logs. This will help ensure that any congestion in the log // pipeline has passed and a full set of logs can be ingested. // const maxSeconds = toSeconds(now - (oneMinute * 30)) if (startSeconds < maxSeconds) { const endSeconds = startSeconds + LogWindowSeconds ingestLogs(zone, startSeconds, endSeconds).then(() => { db.set(startSecondsKey, endSeconds) setTimeout(takeATurn) }, error => { console.error(error.stack) process.exit(1) }) } else { setTimeout(takeATurn, (startSeconds - maxSeconds) * 1000) } }) } takeATurn() } Promise.all( => { const zones = results.reduce((memo, zones) => memo.concat(zones)) zones.forEach(startZone) }) //const getValues = (object) => // Object.keys(object).map(key => object[key]) // //db.ref('logs/2017/4/17/packages').orderByChild('requests').limitToLast(10).once('value', (snapshot) => { // const values = getValues(snapshot.val()).sort((a, b) => b.requests - a.requests) // console.log(values) //})