import React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import formatBytes from 'pretty-bytes' import formatDate from 'date-fns/format' import parseDate from 'date-fns/parse' import formatNumber from './utils/formatNumber' import formatPercent from './utils/formatPercent' import { continents, countries } from 'countries-list' const getCountriesByContinent = continent => Object.keys(countries).filter( country => countries[country].continent === continent ) const sumKeyValues = (hash, keys) => keys.reduce((n, key) => n + (hash[key] || 0), 0) const sumValues = hash => Object.keys(hash).reduce((memo, key) => memo + hash[key], 0) class Stats extends React.Component { static propTypes = { data: PropTypes.object } state = { minPackageRequests: 1000000, minCountryRequests: 1000000 } render() { const { data } = this.props if (data == null) return null const totals = data.totals // Summary data const since = parseDate(totals.since) const until = parseDate(totals.until) // Packages const packageRows = [] Object.keys(totals.requests.package) .sort((a, b) => { return totals.requests.package[b] - totals.requests.package[a] }) .forEach(packageName => { const requests = totals.requests.package[packageName] const bandwidth = totals.bandwidth.package[packageName] if (requests >= this.state.minPackageRequests) { packageRows.push( {packageName} {formatNumber(requests)} ({formatPercent( requests / totals.requests.all )}%) {bandwidth ? ( {formatBytes(bandwidth)} ({formatPercent( bandwidth / totals.bandwidth.all )}%) ) : ( - )} ) } }) // Regions const regionRows = [] const continentsData = Object.keys(continents).reduce((memo, continent) => { const localCountries = getCountriesByContinent(continent) memo[continent] = { countries: localCountries, requests: sumKeyValues(, localCountries), bandwidth: sumKeyValues(, localCountries) } return memo }, {}) const topContinents = Object.keys(continentsData).sort((a, b) => { return continentsData[b].requests - continentsData[a].requests }) topContinents.forEach(continent => { const continentName = continents[continent] const continentData = continentsData[continent] if ( continentData.requests > this.state.minCountryRequests && continentData.bandwidth !== 0 ) { regionRows.push( {continentName} {formatNumber(continentData.requests)} ({formatPercent( continentData.requests / totals.requests.all )}%) {formatBytes(continentData.bandwidth)} ({formatPercent( continentData.bandwidth / totals.bandwidth.all )}%) ) const topCountries = continentData.countries.sort((a, b) => { return[b] -[a] }) topCountries.forEach(country => { const countryRequests =[country] const countryBandwidth =[country] if (countryRequests > this.state.minCountryRequests) { regionRows.push( {countries[country].name} {formatNumber(countryRequests)} ({formatPercent( countryRequests / totals.requests.all )}%) {formatBytes(countryBandwidth)} ({formatPercent( countryBandwidth / totals.bandwidth.all )}%) ) } }) } }) // Protocols const protocolRows = Object.keys(totals.requests.protocol) .sort((a, b) => { return totals.requests.protocol[b] - totals.requests.protocol[a] }) .map(protocol => { const requests = totals.requests.protocol[protocol] return ( {protocol} {formatNumber(requests)} ({formatPercent( requests / sumValues(totals.requests.protocol) )}%) ) }) return (

From {formatDate(since, 'MMM D')} to{' '} {formatDate(until, 'MMM D')} unpkg served{' '} {formatNumber(totals.requests.all)} requests and a total of {formatBytes(totals.bandwidth.all)} of data to {formatNumber(totals.uniques.all)} unique visitors,{' '} {formatPercent(totals.requests.cached / totals.requests.all, 0)}% {' '} of which were served from the cache.


The table below shows the most popular packages served by unpkg from{' '} {formatDate(since, 'MMM D')} to{' '} {formatDate(until, 'MMM D')}. Only the top{' '} {Object.keys(totals.requests.package).length} packages are shown.

Include only packages that received at least{' '} {' '} requests.

Package Requests (% of total) Bandwidth (% of total)


The table below breaks down requests to unpkg from{' '} {formatDate(since, 'MMM D')} to{' '} {formatDate(until, 'MMM D')} by geographic region.

Include only countries that made at least{' '} {' '} requests.

Region Requests (% of total) Bandwidth (% of total)


The table below breaks down requests to unpkg from{' '} {formatDate(since, 'MMM D')} to{' '} {formatDate(until, 'MMM D')} by HTTP protocol.

Protocol Requests (% of total)
) } } export default Stats