<%if(path!=="/"){path+="/"}%> Index of <%= path %>

Index of <%= path %>

<% files.sort((fileA,fileB) => { let nameA = fileA.path.toUpperCase(); let nameB = fileB.path.toUpperCase(); if(fileA.type === "directory") return -1; else if(fileB.type === "directory") return 1; else if(nameAnameB) return 1; else return 0; }) if(path!=="/"){ files.splice(0,0,{ path: "..", type: "directory", }); } %> <% files.forEach((file,index) => { let name = `${file.path.replace(path,"")}${file.type==="directory"?"/":""}` %> "> <% }) %>
Name Type Size Last Modified
<%= name %> <%= file.type==="directory"?"-":file.contentType %> <%= file.type==="directory"?"-":(()=>{ if(file.size<=1024) return file.size+" B"; else if(file.size<=1024*1024) return (file.size/1024).toFixed(2)+" KiB"; else return (file.size/1024/1024).toFixed(2)+" MB"; })() %> <%= file.type==="directory"?"-":new Date(Date.parse(file.lastModified)).toISOString() %>

<%= package %>
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