1510 lines
47 KiB
Executable File
1510 lines
47 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Spec;
use File::Temp qw( tempfile tmpnam );
sub shell ($@);
sub env ($$);
sub cd ($);
sub auto_complete ($);
sub usage ($);
sub trim ($);
my (@make_cmds, @make_install_cmds);
my $root_dir = `pwd`;
chomp $root_dir;
my $OS = $^O;
my $ngx_dir;
for my $opt (@ARGV) {
if ($opt =~ /^--platform=(.*)/) {
$OS = $1;
undef $opt;
my @extra_make_env;
my ($platform, $on_solaris);
if ($OS =~ /solaris|sunos/i) {
$platform = 'solaris';
$on_solaris = $platform;
} elsif ($OS eq 'linux') {
$platform = $OS;
} elsif ($OS eq 'MSWin32') {
die "MS Windows not supported. Abort.\n",
"(You need to use the MSYS toolchain, ",
"including MinGW gcc, MSYS perl, MSYS bash, and etc.\n";
} elsif ($OS =~ /^(?:MacOS|darwin|rhapsody)$/) {
$platform = 'macosx';
} elsif ($OS eq 'freebsd') {
$platform = $OS;
} elsif ($OS =~ /^(?:openbsd|netbsd|dragonfly)$/) {
$platform = 'bsd';
} elsif ($OS eq 'msys') {
$platform = 'msys';
} else {
$platform = 'posix';
my @modules = (
[ndk => 'ngx_devel_kit'],
[http_iconv => 'iconv-nginx-module', 'disabled'],
[http_echo => 'echo-nginx-module'],
[http_xss => 'xss-nginx-module'],
[http_coolkit => 'ngx_coolkit'],
[http_set_misc => 'set-misc-nginx-module'],
[http_form_input => 'form-input-nginx-module'],
[http_encrypted_session => 'encrypted-session-nginx-module'],
[http_drizzle => 'drizzle-nginx-module', 'disabled'],
[http_postgres => 'ngx_postgres', 'disabled'],
[http_srcache => 'srcache-nginx-module'],
[http_lua => 'ngx_lua'],
[http_lua_upstream => 'ngx_lua_upstream'],
[http_headers_more => 'headers-more-nginx-module'],
[http_array_var => 'array-var-nginx-module'],
[http_memc => 'memc-nginx-module'],
[http_redis2 => 'redis2-nginx-module'],
[http_redis => 'redis-nginx-module'],
#[http_upstream_keepalive => 'upstream-keepalive-nginx-module'],
#[http_auth_request => 'auth-request-nginx-module'],
[http_rds_json => 'rds-json-nginx-module'],
[http_rds_csv => 'rds-csv-nginx-module'],
[stream_lua => 'ngx_stream_lua'],
my $without_resty_mods_regex;
my $s = '^--without-('
. join('|',
map { $_->[0] }
grep { @$_ == 2 && $_->[0] =~ /^(?:http|stream)_/ }
. ')_module$';
#warn "without regex: $s";
$without_resty_mods_regex = qr/$s/;
my $with_resty_mods_regex;
my $s = '^--with-('
. join('|',
map { $_->[0] }
grep { @$_ == 3 && $_->[0] =~ /^(?:http|stream)_/ }
. ')_module$';
#warn "with regex: $s";
$with_resty_mods_regex = qr/$s/;
my $prefix = '/usr/local/openresty';
my $ngx_sbin;
my %resty_opts;
my $dry_run;
my @ngx_rpaths;
my $cc;
my $cores;
my $luajit_xcflags = '';
my $user_luajit_xcflags;
my $no_luajit_lua52;
my (@ngx_opts, @ngx_cc_opts, @ngx_ld_opts);
# use -O2 to compile everything by default (which can be overridden
# by the user's own --with-cc-opt=OPTS option):
push @ngx_cc_opts, "-O2";
for my $opt (@ARGV) {
next unless defined $opt;
if ($opt =~ /^-j(\d+)/) {
$cores = $1;
if ($opt =~ /^--with-cc=(.+)/) {
$cc = $1;
push @ngx_opts, "$opt";
if ($opt eq '--dry-run') {
$dry_run = 1;
if ($opt =~ /^--with-make=(.*)/) {
$resty_opts{make} = $1;
if ($opt =~ /^--prefix=(.*)/) {
$prefix = $1;
if ($prefix eq '') {
$prefix = '.';
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua51') {
die "ERROR: --without-lua51 is no longer supported.\n";
} elsif ($opt eq '--with-lua51') {
die "ERROR: --with-lua51 is no longer supported.\n";
} elsif ($opt =~ /^--with-lua51=(.*)/) {
die "ERROR: --with-lua51=PATH is no longer supported.\n";
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-http_rewrite_module') {
warn "WARNING: ngx_devel_kit is automatically disabled ",
"because ngx_http_rewrite_module is disabled.\n";
$resty_opts{no_ndk} = 1;
push @ngx_opts, $opt;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua_cjson') {
$resty_opts{no_lua_cjson} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua_redis_parser') {
$resty_opts{no_lua_redis_parser} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua_resty_memcached') {
$resty_opts{no_lua_resty_memcached} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua_resty_redis') {
$resty_opts{no_lua_resty_redis} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua_resty_dns') {
$resty_opts{no_lua_resty_dns} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua_resty_mysql') {
$resty_opts{no_lua_resty_mysql} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua_resty_upload') {
$resty_opts{no_lua_resty_upload} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua_resty_string') {
$resty_opts{no_lua_resty_string} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua_resty_limit_traffic') {
$resty_opts{no_lua_resty_limit_traffic} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua_resty_websocket') {
$resty_opts{no_lua_resty_websocket} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua_resty_lock') {
$resty_opts{no_lua_resty_lock} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua_resty_lrucache') {
$resty_opts{no_lua_resty_lrucache} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua_resty_core') {
$resty_opts{no_lua_resty_core} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua_resty_upstream_healthcheck') {
$resty_opts{no_lua_resty_upstream_healthcheck} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-lua_rds_parser') {
$resty_opts{no_lua_rds_parser} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--with-debug') {
$resty_opts{debug} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--help') {
usage 0;
} elsif ($opt =~ /^--with-cc-opt=(.*)/) {
push @ngx_cc_opts, $1;
} elsif ($opt =~ /^--with-ld-opt=(.*)/) {
push @ngx_ld_opts, $1;
} elsif ($opt =~ $without_resty_mods_regex) {
#die "no_$1\n";
$resty_opts{"no_$1"} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-ngx_devel_kit_module') {
$resty_opts{no_ndk} = 1;
} elsif ($opt =~ $with_resty_mods_regex) {
$resty_opts{"$1"} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--with-luajit') {
$resty_opts{luajit} = 1;
} elsif ($opt =~ /^--with-luajit=(.*)/) {
$resty_opts{luajit_path} = $1;
} elsif ($opt =~ /^--with-luajit-xcflags=(.*)/) {
$user_luajit_xcflags .= " $1";
} elsif ($opt =~ /^--without-luajit-lua52/) {
$no_luajit_lua52 = 1;
} elsif ($opt =~ /^--with-libdrizzle=(.*)/) {
$resty_opts{libdrizzle} = $1;
} elsif ($opt =~ /^--with-libpq=(.*)/) {
$resty_opts{libpq} = $1;
if ($resty_opts{pg_config}) {
die "--with-libpq is not allowed when ",
"--with-pg_config is already specified.\n";
} elsif ($opt =~ /^--with-pg_config=(.*)/) {
$resty_opts{pg_config} = $1;
if ($resty_opts{libpq}) {
die "--with-pg_config is not allowed when ",
"--with-libpq is already specified.\n";
} elsif ($opt eq '--with-no-pool-patch') {
$resty_opts{no_pool} = 1;
} elsif ($opt eq '--with-http_ssl_module') {
$resty_opts{http_ssl} = 1;
push @ngx_opts, $opt;
} elsif ($opt eq '--without-http_ssl_module') {
$resty_opts{no_http_ssl} = 1;
$resty_opts{no_http_encrypted_session} = 1;
} elsif ($opt =~ /^--add-module=(.*)/) {
my $mod_path = File::Spec->rel2abs($1);
push @ngx_opts, "--add-module=$mod_path";
} elsif ($opt =~ /^--add-dynamic-module=(.*)/) {
my $mod_path = File::Spec->rel2abs($1);
push @ngx_opts, "--add-dynamic-module=$mod_path";
} elsif ($opt =~ /^--with-(openssl|pcre|zlib|libatomic|md5|sha1)=(.*)/) {
my ($lib, $path) = ($1, $2);
if ($lib eq 'openssl' && $OS eq 'darwin') {
if (`uname -a` =~ /\bx86_64\b/) {
push @extra_make_env, 'KERNEL_BITS=64';
$path = File::Spec->rel2abs($path);
push @ngx_opts, "--with-$lib=$path";
} elsif ($opt =~ /^--sbin-path=(.*)/) {
$ngx_sbin = $1;
push @ngx_opts, $opt;
} elsif ($opt =~ /^--\w.*/) {
push @ngx_opts, $opt;
} else {
die "Invalid option $opt\n";
print "platform: $platform ($OS)\n";
my $ngx_prefix;
if ($platform eq 'msys') {
$ngx_prefix = "$prefix";
} else {
$ngx_prefix = "$prefix/nginx";
my $postamble = '';
if ($platform ne 'msys') {
if (!$ngx_sbin) {
$ngx_sbin = "$ngx_prefix/sbin/nginx";
my $resty_opts = build_resty_opts(\%resty_opts);
if (@ngx_rpaths) {
unshift @ngx_ld_opts, "-Wl,-rpath," . join(":", @ngx_rpaths);
my $ld_opts = '';
if (@ngx_ld_opts) {
$ld_opts = " \\\n --with-ld-opt='@ngx_ld_opts'";
my $cmd = "sh ./configure --prefix=$ngx_prefix"
. $resty_opts
. $ld_opts
. (@ngx_opts ? " \\\n " . quote_cli_args(\@ngx_opts) : "");
shell $cmd, $dry_run;
push @make_cmds, "cd $root_dir/build/$ngx_dir && "
. "\$(MAKE)";
push @make_install_cmds, "cd $root_dir/build/$ngx_dir && "
. "\$(MAKE) install DESTDIR=\$(DESTDIR)";
push @make_install_cmds,
"mkdir -p \$(DESTDIR)$prefix/site/lualib"
. " \$(DESTDIR)$prefix/site/pod"
. " \$(DESTDIR)$prefix/site/manifest";
if ($platform ne 'msys') {
push @make_install_cmds,
"ln -sf $ngx_sbin \$(DESTDIR)$prefix/bin/openresty";
cd '../..'; # to the root
#die "pwd: " .. `pwd`;
if ($postamble) {
print $postamble;
sub env ($$) {
my ($name, $val) = @_;
if (!defined $name) {
die "env not defined";
if (!defined $val) {
die "env $name takes undef value";
print "export $name='$val'\n";
$ENV{$name} = $val;
sub shell ($@) {
my ($cmd, $dry_run) = @_;
print "$cmd\n";
unless ($dry_run) {
system($cmd) == 0 or
die "ERROR: failed to run command: ", trim($cmd), "\n";
sub trim ($) {
my $cmd = shift;
$cmd =~ s/\n.*/.../s;
sub auto_complete ($) {
my $name = shift;
my @dirs = glob "$name-[0-9]*" or
die "No source directory found for $name\n";
if (@dirs > 1) {
die "More than one hits for $name: @dirs\n";
return $dirs[0];
sub cd ($) {
my $dir = shift;
print("cd $dir\n");
chdir $dir or die "failed to cd $dir: $!\n";
sub build_resty_opts {
my $opts = shift;
my $make;
if ($opts->{make}) {
$make = $opts->{make};
if (! can_run($make)) {
die "make utility $make cannot be run.\n";
} else {
if (can_run("gmake")) { # msys has no gmake
$make = 'gmake';
} else {
# no gmake found
if ($platform =~ /bsd/i) {
die "error: I cannot find \"gmake\" (Gnu make) in your PATH ".
"envirnonment. You can also specify your make by the ".
"--with-make=PATH option\n";
if (can_run("make")) {
$make = "make";
} else {
die "No gmake nor make found in PATH.\n";
$postamble .= <<"_END_";
Type the following commands to build and install:
$make install
if ($opts->{no_ndk}) {
for my $name (qw(set_misc iconv lz_session form_input array_var
if (! $opts->{"no_http_$name"}) {
warn "WARNING: ngx_http_${name}_module is automatically ",
"disabled because ngx_devel_kit_module is disabled.\n";
$opts->{"no_http_$name"} = 1;
if (!$opts->{no_stream_lua}) {
push @ngx_opts, '--with-stream', '--with-stream_ssl_module';
if (!$opts->{lua}
&& !$opts->{lua_path}
&& (!$opts->{no_http_lua} || !$opts->{no_stream_lua})
&& !$opts->{luajit_path})
#warn "HIT!";
$opts->{luajit} = 1;
#die "luajit: ", $opts->{luajit};
if ($opts->{luajit} && $opts->{luajit_path}) {
die "--with-luajit and --with-luajit=DIR are mutually exclusive.\n";
if ($opts->{no_http_ssl} && $opts->{http_ssl}) {
die "--with-http_ssl_module conflicts with --without-http_ssl_module.",
if (! $opts->{no_http_ssl} && ! $opts->{http_ssl}) {
$opts->{http_ssl} = 1;
push @ngx_opts, '--with-http_ssl_module';
if (! $opts->{http_drizzle} && $opts->{libdrizzle}) {
die "The http_drizzle_module is not enabled while --with-libdrizzle ",
"is specified.\n";
if (! $opts->{http_postgres} && $opts->{libpq}) {
die "The http_postgres_module is not enabled while --with-libpq is ",
if (! $opts->{http_postgres} && $opts->{pg_config}) {
die "The http_postgres_module is not enabled while --with-pg_config ",
"is specified.\n";
if ($platform eq 'linux' && $opts->{luajit} && ! can_run("ldconfig")) {
die "you need to have ldconfig in your PATH env when enabling luajit.",
my $opts_line = '';
if ($opts->{debug}) {
unshift @ngx_cc_opts, '-DNGX_LUA_USE_ASSERT',
$opts_line .= " \\\n --with-debug";
} else {
#unshift @ngx_cc_opts, '-O2';
if (-d 'build') {
system("rm -rf build") == 0 or
die "failed to remove directory build/.\n";
if (-e 'build') {
die "file or directory \"build\" already exists. please remove it ",
shell "cp -rp bundle/ build";
cd 'build';
push @make_install_cmds, "mkdir -p \$(DESTDIR)$prefix/",
"-cp $root_dir/COPYRIGHT \$(DESTDIR)$prefix/";
# build 3rd-party C libraries if required
if ($opts->{no_pool}) {
if (! can_run("patch")) {
die "no \"patch\" utility found in your PATH environment.\n";
shell "patch -p0 < nginx-no_pool.patch";
if (my $drizzle_prefix = $opts->{libdrizzle}) {
my $drizzle_lib = "$drizzle_prefix/lib";
env LIBDRIZZLE_LIB => $drizzle_lib;
env LIBDRIZZLE_INC => "$drizzle_prefix/include/libdrizzle-1.0";
push @ngx_rpaths, $drizzle_lib;
if (my $pg_prefix = $opts->{libpq}) {
my $pg_lib = "$pg_prefix/lib";
env LIBPQ_LIB => $pg_lib;
env LIBPQ_INC => "$pg_prefix/include";
push @ngx_rpaths, $pg_lib;
if (my $pg_config = $opts->{pg_config}) {
if (!can_run($pg_config)) {
die "pg_config is not runnable.\n";
my $cmd = "$pg_config --libdir";
my $pg_lib = `$cmd`;
chomp $pg_lib;
if (!defined $pg_lib) {
die "Failed to run command $cmd\n";
$cmd = "$pg_config --includedir";
my $pg_inc = `$cmd`;
chomp $pg_inc;
if (!defined $pg_inc) {
die "Failed to run command $cmd\n";
env LIBPQ_LIB => $pg_lib;
env LIBPQ_INC => $pg_inc;
push @ngx_rpaths, $pg_lib;
if ($opts->{luajit_path}) {
my $luajit_prefix = $opts->{luajit_path};
my $lib = File::Spec->catfile($luajit_prefix, "lib");
my $inc = File::Spec->catfile($luajit_prefix, "include", "luajit-2.1");
env LUAJIT_LIB => $lib;
env LUAJIT_INC => $inc;
#unshift @ngx_ld_opts, "-L$lib";
#unshift @ngx_cc_opts, "-I$inc";
push @ngx_rpaths, "$luajit_prefix/lib";
} elsif ($opts->{luajit}) {
my $luajit_src = auto_complete 'LuaJIT';
my $luajit_prefix = File::Spec->catfile($prefix, "luajit");
my $luajit_root = File::Spec->rel2abs("luajit-root");
if (-d $luajit_root) {
shell "rm -rf $luajit_root";
mkdir $luajit_root or
die "create create directory luajit-root: $!\n";
cd $luajit_src;
my $extra_opts = ' TARGET_STRIP=@: CCDEBUG=-g';
my $comp = ($cc || 'cc');
my $ver = `$comp --version`;
if (defined $ver && $ver =~ /\(GCC\) (\d+\.\d+)/) {
my $v = $1;
if ($v < 4.5) {
$luajit_xcflags .= " -std=gnu99";
if (!$no_luajit_lua52
&& (!$user_luajit_xcflags
|| $user_luajit_xcflags !~ /-DLUAJIT_ENABLE_LUA52COMPAT\b/))
$luajit_xcflags .= " -DLUAJIT_ENABLE_LUA52COMPAT";
if (!$user_luajit_xcflags
|| $user_luajit_xcflags !~ /-msse4\.2\b/)
# check -msse4.2
my ($out, $cfile) = tempfile("resty-config-XXXXXX",
SUFFIX => '.c', TMPDIR => 1,
UNLINK => 1);
print $out "
int main(void) {
#ifndef __SSE4_2__
# error SSE 4.2 not found
return 0;
close $out;
my $ofile = tmpnam();
my $comp = ($cc || 'cc');
my $found;
if (system("$comp -o $ofile -msse4.2 -c $cfile") == 0
&& -s $ofile)
unlink $ofile;
if (system("$comp -o $ofile -march=native -c $cfile") == 0
&& -s $ofile)
print "INFO: found -msse4.2 in $comp.\n";
$found = 1;
$luajit_xcflags .= " -msse4.2";
if (-f $ofile) {
unlink $ofile;
if (!$found) {
print "WARNING: -msse4.2 not supported in $comp.\n";
if ($opts->{debug}) {
$luajit_xcflags .= " -DLUA_USE_APICHECK -DLUA_USE_ASSERT";
if ($user_luajit_xcflags) {
$luajit_xcflags .= $user_luajit_xcflags;
$luajit_xcflags =~ s/^ +//;
$extra_opts .= qq{ Q= XCFLAGS='$luajit_xcflags'};
} else {
if ($user_luajit_xcflags) {
$luajit_xcflags .= $user_luajit_xcflags;
if ($luajit_xcflags) {
$luajit_xcflags =~ s/^ +//;
$extra_opts .= qq{ XCFLAGS='$luajit_xcflags'};
#if ($platform =~ /bsd/i) {
#$extra_opts .= ' CFLAGS=-I..';
if ($on_solaris) {
$extra_opts .= " INSTALL_X='$root_dir/build/install -m 0755' " .
"INSTALL_F='$root_dir/build/install -m 0644'";
if (defined $cc) {
$extra_opts .= " CC='$cc'";
} else {
$extra_opts .= " CC=cc";
if ($platform eq 'macosx') {
if (!defined $v || $v !~ /^\d+\.\d+$/) {
$v = `sw_vers -productVersion`;
if (defined $v && $v =~ /^\s*(\d+\.\d+)/) {
if (defined $cores) {
shell "${make} -j$cores$extra_opts PREFIX=$luajit_prefix", $dry_run;
} else {
shell "${make}$extra_opts PREFIX=$luajit_prefix", $dry_run;
my ($lib, $inc);
if ($platform eq 'msys') {
$lib = $luajit_root;
shell "install -m 0755 src/luajit.exe src/lua51.dll $lib/",
my $lua_jit_dir = File::Spec->catfile($luajit_root, "lua", "jit");
shell "mkdir -p $lua_jit_dir", $dry_run;
shell "install -m 0644 src/jit/*.lua $lua_jit_dir/", $dry_run;
$inc = File::Spec->catfile($luajit_root, "include", "luajit-2.1");
shell "mkdir -p $inc", $dry_run;
shell "cd src && install -m 0644 lua.h lualib.h lauxlib.h "
. "luaconf.h lua.hpp luajit.h $inc/",
} else {
shell "${make} install$extra_opts PREFIX=$luajit_prefix "
. "DESTDIR=$luajit_root/", $dry_run;
$lib = File::Spec->catfile($luajit_root, $luajit_prefix, "lib");
$inc = File::Spec->catfile($luajit_root, $luajit_prefix,
"include", "luajit-2.1");
push @make_cmds, "cd $root_dir/build/$luajit_src && "
. "\$(MAKE)$extra_opts PREFIX=$luajit_prefix";
my $abs_luajit_src =
File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile($root_dir, "build",
if ($platform eq 'msys') {
push @make_install_cmds, "cd $abs_luajit_src && "
. "cp -rv $luajit_root/* \$(DESTDIR)$prefix/";
} else {
push @make_install_cmds, "cd $abs_luajit_src && "
. "\$(MAKE) install$extra_opts PREFIX=$luajit_prefix "
env LUAJIT_LIB => $lib;
env LUAJIT_INC => $inc;
#unshift @ngx_ld_opts, "-L$lib";
#unshift @ngx_cc_opts, "-I$inc";
if ($platform ne 'msys') {
push @ngx_rpaths, File::Spec->catfile($luajit_prefix, "lib");
cd '..';
} elsif ($opts->{lua_path}) {
my $lua_prefix = $opts->{lua_path};
env LUA_LIB => File::Spec->catfile($lua_prefix, "lib");
env LUA_INC => File::Spec->catfile($lua_prefix, "include");
push @ngx_rpaths, File::Spec->catfile($lua_prefix, "lib");
} elsif ($opts->{lua}) {
# build stdandard lua
my $lua_src = auto_complete 'lua';
if (!defined $lua_src) {
die "No lua5 found";
my $lua_prefix = File::Spec->catfile($prefix, "lua");
my $lua_root = File::Spec->rel2abs("lua-root");
if (-d $lua_root) {
shell "rm -rf $lua_root";
mkdir $lua_root or
die "create create directory lua-root: $!\n";
cd $lua_src;
my $extra_opts = '';
if (defined $cc) {
$extra_opts .= " CC='$cc'";
if (defined $cores) {
shell "${make} -j$cores$extra_opts $platform", $dry_run;
} else {
shell "${make}$extra_opts $platform", $dry_run;
my $install_top = File::Spec->catfile($lua_root, $lua_prefix);
shell "${make} install$extra_opts INSTALL_TOP=$install_top/", $dry_run;
env LUA_LIB => File::Spec->catfile($lua_root, $lua_prefix, "lib");
env LUA_INC => File::Spec->catfile($lua_root, $lua_prefix, "include");
push @make_cmds,
"cd $root_dir/build/$lua_src && \$(MAKE)$extra_opts $platform";
push @make_install_cmds, "cd $root_dir/build/$lua_src && "
. "\$(MAKE) install$extra_opts INSTALL_TOP=\$(DESTDIR)$lua_prefix";
cd '..';
if ($opts->{lua} || $opts->{lua_path}
|| $opts->{luajit} || $opts->{luajit_path})
# build lua modules
my $lualib_prefix = File::Spec->catfile($prefix, "lualib");
my $site_lualib_prefix = File::Spec->catfile($prefix, "site/lualib");
my $ngx_lua_dir = auto_complete 'ngx_lua';
open my $in, ">>$ngx_lua_dir/config" or
die "Cannot open $ngx_lua_dir/config for appending: $!\n";
print $in <<"_EOC_";
CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -DLUA_DEFAULT_PATH='\${ngx_lua_dquote}$site_lualib_prefix/?.ljbc;$site_lualib_prefix/?/init.ljbc;$lualib_prefix/?.ljbc;$lualib_prefix/?/init.ljbc;$site_lualib_prefix/?.lua;$site_lualib_prefix/?/init.lua;$lualib_prefix/?.lua;$lualib_prefix/?/init.lua\$ngx_lua_dquote'"
CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -DLUA_DEFAULT_CPATH='\${ngx_lua_dquote}$site_lualib_prefix/?.so;$lualib_prefix/?.so\$ngx_lua_dquote'"
close $in;
unless ($opts->{no_lua_cjson}) {
my $dir = auto_complete 'lua-cjson';
if (!defined $dir) {
die "No lua-cjson found";
my $lua_inc;
if ($opts->{luajit} || $opts->{luajit_path}) {
$lua_inc = $ENV{LUAJIT_INC};
} else {
$lua_inc = $ENV{LUA_INC};
my $extra_opts = " DESTDIR=\$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$lua_inc " .
"LUA_CMODULE_DIR=$lualib_prefix LUA_MODULE_DIR=$lualib_prefix";
if ($platform eq 'msys') {
my $luajit_root = File::Spec->rel2abs("luajit-root");
$extra_opts .=
" CJSON_LDFLAGS=\"-shared -L$luajit_root -llua51\"";
if ($on_solaris) {
#$extra_opts .= " INSTALL=$root_dir/build/install";
if ($opts->{debug}) {
$extra_opts .=
} else {
$extra_opts .=
} else {
if ($opts->{debug}) {
$extra_opts .= " CJSON_CFLAGS=\"-g -O -fpic\"";
} else {
$extra_opts .= " CJSON_CFLAGS=\"-g -fpic\"";
if ($platform eq 'macosx') {
$extra_opts .=
" CJSON_LDFLAGS='-bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup'";
if (defined $cc) {
$extra_opts .= " CC='$cc'";
} else {
$extra_opts .= " CC=cc";
push @make_cmds, "cd $root_dir/build/$dir && ".
push @make_install_cmds, "cd $root_dir/build/$dir && " .
"\$(MAKE) install$extra_opts";
unless ($opts->{no_lua_redis_parser}) {
my $dir = auto_complete 'lua-redis-parser';
if (!defined $dir) {
die "No lua-redis-parser found";
my $lua_inc;
if ($opts->{luajit} || $opts->{luajit_path}) {
$lua_inc = $ENV{LUAJIT_INC};
} else {
$lua_inc = $ENV{LUA_INC};
my $extra_opts = " DESTDIR=\$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$lua_inc " .
if ($platform eq 'msys') {
my $luajit_root = File::Spec->rel2abs("luajit-root");
$extra_opts .= " LDFLAGS=\"-shared -L$luajit_root -llua51\"";
if ($on_solaris) {
$extra_opts .= " INSTALL=$root_dir/build/install";
if ($opts->{debug}) {
$extra_opts .= " CFLAGS=\"-g -O -Wall\"";
} else {
if ($opts->{debug}) {
$extra_opts .= " CFLAGS=\"-g -O -Wall\"";
if ($platform eq 'macosx') {
$extra_opts .= " LDFLAGS='-bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup'";
if (defined $cc) {
$extra_opts .= " CC='$cc'";
} else {
$extra_opts .= " CC=cc";
push @make_cmds, "cd $root_dir/build/$dir && ".
push @make_install_cmds, "cd $root_dir/build/$dir && " .
"\$(MAKE) install$extra_opts";
unless ($opts->{no_lua_rds_parser}) {
my $dir = auto_complete 'lua-rds-parser';
if (!defined $dir) {
die "No lua-rds-parser found";
my $lua_inc;
if ($opts->{luajit} || $opts->{luajit_path}) {
$lua_inc = $ENV{LUAJIT_INC};
} else {
$lua_inc = $ENV{LUA_INC};
my $extra_opts = " DESTDIR=\$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$lua_inc " .
if ($platform eq 'msys') {
my $luajit_root = File::Spec->rel2abs("luajit-root");
$extra_opts .= " LDFLAGS=\"-shared -L$luajit_root -llua51\"";
if ($on_solaris) {
$extra_opts .= " INSTALL=$root_dir/build/install";
if ($opts->{debug}) {
$extra_opts .= " CFLAGS=\"-g -O -Wall\"";
} else {
if ($opts->{debug}) {
$extra_opts .= " CFLAGS=\"-g -O -Wall\"";
if ($platform eq 'macosx') {
$extra_opts .= " LDFLAGS='-bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup'";
if (defined $cc) {
$extra_opts .= " CC='$cc'";
} else {
$extra_opts .= " CC=cc";
push @make_cmds, "cd $root_dir/build/$dir && ".
push @make_install_cmds, "cd $root_dir/build/$dir && " .
"\$(MAKE) install$extra_opts";
for my $key (qw(dns memcached redis mysql string upload websocket
lock lrucache core upstream_healthcheck limit_traffic))
unless ($opts->{"no_lua_resty_$key"}) {
(my $key2 = $key) =~ s/_/-/g;
my $name = "lua-resty-$key2";
my $dir = auto_complete $name;
if (!defined $dir) {
die "No $name found";
my $extra_opts =
" DESTDIR=\$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=$lualib_prefix"
." INSTALL=$root_dir/build/install";
push @make_install_cmds, "cd $root_dir/build/$dir && " .
"\$(MAKE) install$extra_opts";
# configure opm:
my $opm_dir = auto_complete 'opm';
my $target_dir;
if ($platform eq 'msys') {
$target_dir = "\$(DESTDIR)$prefix/";
} else {
$target_dir = "\$(DESTDIR)$prefix/bin/";
push @make_install_cmds, "cd $root_dir/build/$opm_dir && "
. "$root_dir/build/install bin/* $target_dir";
# configure resty-cli:
my $resty_cli_dir = auto_complete 'resty-cli';
my $target_dir;
if ($platform eq 'msys') {
$target_dir = "\$(DESTDIR)$prefix/";
} else {
$target_dir = "\$(DESTDIR)$prefix/bin/";
push @make_install_cmds, "cd $root_dir/build/$resty_cli_dir && "
. "$root_dir/build/install bin/* $target_dir";
if ($platform ne 'msys') {
# patch the resty script:
print "patching the resty script with hard-coded nginx binary ",
my $resty_bin = "$root_dir/build/$resty_cli_dir/bin/resty";
open my $in, $resty_bin
or die "Cannot open $resty_bin for reading: $!\n";
my ($new, $found);
while (<$in>) {
if (/^my \$nginx_path;$/) {
$found = 1;
$new .= qq/my \$nginx_path = '$ngx_sbin';\n/;
} else {
$new .= $_;
close $in;
if (!$found) {
die "failed to patch $resty_bin: the line 'my \$nginx_path' ",
"was not found.\n";
open my $out, ">$resty_bin"
or die "Cannot open $resty_bin for writing: $!\n";
print $out $new;
close $out;
# configure restydoc indexes
push @make_install_cmds,
"cp $root_dir/build/resty.index \$(DESTDIR)$prefix/",
"cp -r $root_dir/build/pod \$(DESTDIR)$prefix/";
# prepare nginx configure line
$ngx_dir = auto_complete "nginx";
if (@ngx_cc_opts) {
$opts_line .= " \\\n --with-cc-opt='@ngx_cc_opts'";
cd $ngx_dir;
for my $mod (@modules) {
my ($name, $prefix, $attr) = @$mod;
if ($attr && $attr eq 'disabled') {
next if not $opts->{"$name"};
} else {
next if $opts->{"no_$name"};
my $dir = auto_complete "../$prefix";
$opts_line .= " \\\n --add-module=$dir";
return $opts_line;
sub usage ($) {
my $retval = shift;
my $msg = <<'_EOC_';
--help this message
--prefix=PATH set the installation prefix (default to /usr/local/openresty)
--with-debug enable debug logging
--with-dtrace-probes enable dtrace USDT probes
--with-dtrace=PATH set dtrace utility pathname
--with-no-pool-patch enable the no-pool patch for debugging memory issues
-jN pass -jN option to make while building the bundled
Lua 5.1 interpreter or LuaJIT 2.1
my $opt_max_len = length " --without-ngx_devel_kit_module ";
#warn "opt max len: $opt_max_len";
my $with_resty_opts = '';
for my $mod (@modules) {
my $name = $mod->[0];
if ($name =~ /^(?:http|stream)_/) {
if (@$mod == 2) {
my $opt = " --without-${name}_module";
$msg .= $opt;
my $n = $opt_max_len - length $opt;
if ($n > 0) {
$msg .= " " x $n;
} else {
$msg .= "\n" . (" " x $opt_max_len);
$msg .= "disable ngx_${name}_module\n";
} else {
my $opt = " --with-${name}_module";
$with_resty_opts .= $opt;
my $n = $opt_max_len - length $opt;
if ($n > 0) {
$with_resty_opts .= " " x $n;
} else {
$with_resty_opts .= "\n" . (" " x $opt_max_len);
$with_resty_opts .= "enable ngx_${name}_module\n";
$msg .= <<'_EOC_';
--without-ngx_devel_kit_module disable ngx_devel_kit_module
--without-http_ssl_module disable ngx_http_ssl_module
$msg .= $with_resty_opts;
$msg .= <<'_EOC_';
--without-lua_cjson disable the lua-cjson library
--without-lua_redis_parser disable the lua-redis-parser library
--without-lua_rds_parser disable the lua-rds-parser library
--without-lua_resty_dns disable the lua-resty-dns library
--without-lua_resty_memcached disable the lua-resty-memcached library
--without-lua_resty_redis disable the lua-resty-redis library
--without-lua_resty_mysql disable the lua-resty-mysql library
--without-lua_resty_upload disable the lua-resty-upload library
disable the lua-resty-upstream-healthcheck library
--without-lua_resty_string disable the lua-resty-string library
--without-lua_resty_websocket disable the lua-resty-websocket library
--without-lua_resty_limit_traffic disable the lua-resty-limit-traffic library
--without-lua_resty_lock disable the lua-resty-lock library
--without-lua_resty_lrucache disable the lua-resty-lrucache library
--without-lua_resty_core disable the lua-resty-core library
--with-luajit enable and build the bundled LuaJIT 2.1 (the default)
--with-luajit=DIR use the external LuaJIT 2.1 installation specified by DIR
--with-luajit-xcflags=FLAGS Specify extra C compiler flags for LuaJIT 2.1
--without-luajit-lua52 Turns off the LuaJIT extensions from Lua 5.2 that may break
backward compatibility.
--with-libdrizzle=DIR specify the libdrizzle 1.0 (or drizzle) installation prefix
--with-libpq=DIR specify the libpq (or postgresql) installation prefix
--with-pg_config=PATH specify the path of the pg_config utility
Options directly inherited from nginx
--sbin-path=PATH set nginx binary pathname
--modules-path=PATH set modules path
--conf-path=PATH set nginx.conf pathname
--error-log-path=PATH set error log pathname
--pid-path=PATH set nginx.pid pathname
--lock-path=PATH set nginx.lock pathname
--tapset-prefix=PATH set systemtap tapset directory prefix
--stap-nginx-path=PATH set stap-nginx pathname
--user=USER set non-privileged user for
worker processes
--group=GROUP set non-privileged group for
worker processes
--build=NAME set build name
--builddir=DIR set the build directory
--with-select_module enable select module
--without-select_module disable select module
--with-poll_module enable poll module
--without-poll_module disable poll module
--with-threads enable thread pool support
--with-file-aio enable file AIO support
--with-ipv6 enable IPv6 support
--with-http_v2_module enable ngx_http_v2_module
--with-http_realip_module enable ngx_http_realip_module
--with-http_addition_module enable ngx_http_addition_module
--with-http_xslt_module enable ngx_http_xslt_module
--with-http_xslt_module=dynamic enable dynamic ngx_http_xslt_module
--with-http_image_filter_module enable ngx_http_image_filter_module
enable dynamic ngx_http_image_filter_module
--with-http_geoip_module enable ngx_http_geoip_module
--with-http_geoip_module=dynamic enable dynamic ngx_http_geoip_module
--with-http_sub_module enable ngx_http_sub_module
--with-http_dav_module enable ngx_http_dav_module
--with-http_flv_module enable ngx_http_flv_module
--with-http_mp4_module enable ngx_http_mp4_module
--with-http_gunzip_module enable ngx_http_gunzip_module
--with-http_gzip_static_module enable ngx_http_gzip_static_module
--with-http_auth_request_module enable ngx_http_auth_request_module
--with-http_random_index_module enable ngx_http_random_index_module
--with-http_secure_link_module enable ngx_http_secure_link_module
--with-http_degradation_module enable ngx_http_degradation_module
--with-http_slice_module enable ngx_http_slice_module
--with-http_stub_status_module enable ngx_http_stub_status_module
--without-http_charset_module disable ngx_http_charset_module
--without-http_gzip_module disable ngx_http_gzip_module
--without-http_ssi_module disable ngx_http_ssi_module
--without-http_userid_module disable ngx_http_userid_module
--without-http_access_module disable ngx_http_access_module
--without-http_auth_basic_module disable ngx_http_auth_basic_module
--without-http_autoindex_module disable ngx_http_autoindex_module
--without-http_geo_module disable ngx_http_geo_module
--without-http_map_module disable ngx_http_map_module
--without-http_split_clients_module disable ngx_http_split_clients_module
--without-http_referer_module disable ngx_http_referer_module
--without-http_rewrite_module disable ngx_http_rewrite_module
--without-http_proxy_module disable ngx_http_proxy_module
--without-http_fastcgi_module disable ngx_http_fastcgi_module
--without-http_uwsgi_module disable ngx_http_uwsgi_module
--without-http_scgi_module disable ngx_http_scgi_module
--without-http_memcached_module disable ngx_http_memcached_module
--without-http_limit_conn_module disable ngx_http_limit_conn_module
--without-http_limit_req_module disable ngx_http_limit_req_module
--without-http_empty_gif_module disable ngx_http_empty_gif_module
--without-http_browser_module disable ngx_http_browser_module
disable ngx_http_upstream_hash_module
disable ngx_http_upstream_ip_hash_module
disable ngx_http_upstream_least_conn_module
disable ngx_http_upstream_keepalive_module
disable ngx_http_upstream_zone_module
--with-http_perl_module enable ngx_http_perl_module
--with-http_perl_module=dynamic enable dynamic ngx_http_perl_module
--with-perl_modules_path=PATH set Perl modules path
--with-perl=PATH set perl binary pathname
--http-log-path=PATH set http access log pathname
--http-client-body-temp-path=PATH set path to store
http client request body temporary files
--http-proxy-temp-path=PATH set path to store
http proxy temporary files
--http-fastcgi-temp-path=PATH set path to store
http fastcgi temporary files
--http-uwsgi-temp-path=PATH set path to store
http uwsgi temporary files
--http-scgi-temp-path=PATH set path to store
http scgi temporary files
--without-http disable HTTP server
--without-http-cache disable HTTP cache
--with-mail enable POP3/IMAP4/SMTP proxy module
--with-mail=dynamic enable dynamic POP3/IMAP4/SMTP proxy module
--with-mail_ssl_module enable ngx_mail_ssl_module
--without-mail_pop3_module disable ngx_mail_pop3_module
--without-mail_imap_module disable ngx_mail_imap_module
--without-mail_smtp_module disable ngx_mail_smtp_module
--with-stream enable TCP/UDP proxy module
--with-stream=dynamic enable dynamic TCP/UDP proxy module
--with-stream_ssl_module enable ngx_stream_ssl_module
--with-stream_realip_module enable ngx_stream_realip_module
--with-stream_geoip_module enable ngx_stream_geoip_module
--with-stream_geoip_module=dynamic enable dynamic ngx_stream_geoip_module
--with-stream_ssl_preread_module enable ngx_stream_ssl_preread_module
--without-stream_limit_conn_module disable ngx_stream_limit_conn_module
--without-stream_access_module disable ngx_stream_access_module
--without-stream_geo_module disable ngx_stream_geo_module
--without-stream_map_module disable ngx_stream_map_module
disable ngx_stream_split_clients_module
--without-stream_return_module disable ngx_stream_return_module
disable ngx_stream_upstream_hash_module
disable ngx_stream_upstream_least_conn_module
disable ngx_stream_upstream_zone_module
--with-google_perftools_module enable ngx_google_perftools_module
--with-cpp_test_module enable ngx_cpp_test_module
--add-module=PATH enable external module
--add-dynamic-module=PATH enable dynamic external module
--with-cc=PATH set C compiler pathname
--with-cpp=PATH set C preprocessor pathname
--with-cc-opt=OPTIONS set additional C compiler options
--with-ld-opt=OPTIONS set additional linker options
--with-cpu-opt=CPU build for the specified CPU, valid values:
pentium, pentiumpro, pentium3, pentium4,
athlon, opteron, sparc32, sparc64, ppc64
--without-pcre disable PCRE library usage
--with-pcre force PCRE library usage
--with-pcre=DIR set path to PCRE library sources
--with-pcre-opt=OPTIONS set additional make options for PCRE
--with-pcre-conf-opt=OPTIONS set additional configure options for PCRE
--with-pcre-jit build PCRE with JIT compilation support
--with-zlib=DIR set path to zlib library sources
--with-zlib-opt=OPTIONS set additional build options for zlib
--with-zlib-asm=CPU use zlib assembler sources optimized
for the specified CPU, valid values:
pentium, pentiumpro
--with-libatomic force libatomic_ops library usage
--with-libatomic=DIR set path to libatomic_ops library sources
--with-openssl=DIR set path to OpenSSL library sources
--with-openssl-opt=OPTIONS set additional build options for OpenSSL
--dry-run dry running the configure, for testing only
--platform=PLATFORM forcibly specify a platform name, for testing only
if ($retval == 0) {
print $msg;
exit 0;
warn $msg;
exit $retval;
sub gen_makefile {
if (-f 'Makefile') {
unlink 'Makefile' or
die "ERROR: failed to remove existing Makefile: $!\n";
open my $out, ">Makefile" or
die "Cannot open Makefile for writing: $!\n";
for my $line (@extra_make_env) {
print $out "export $line\n";
if (File::Spec->rel2abs($prefix) ne File::Spec->canonpath($prefix)) {
# prefix is a relative path.
print $out "DESTDIR ?= $root_dir/\n\n";
print $out ".PHONY: all install clean\n\n";
print $out "all:\n\t" . join("\n\t", @make_cmds) . "\n\n";
print $out "install: all\n\t" . join("\n\t", @make_install_cmds) . "\n\n";
print $out "clean:\n\trm -rf build\n";
close $out;
# check if we can run some command
sub can_run {
my ($cmd) = @_;
#warn "can run: @_\n";
my $_cmd = $cmd;
return $_cmd if -x $_cmd;
return undef if $_cmd =~ m{[\\/]};
# FIXME: this is a hack; MSWin32 is not supported anyway
my $path_sep = ':';
for my $dir ((split /$path_sep/, $ENV{PATH}), '.') {
next if $dir eq '';
my $abs = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $_[0]);
return $abs if -x $abs;
return undef;
sub quote_cli_args {
my $args = shift;
my @quoted;
for my $arg (@$args) {
if ($arg =~ /[\\\s'"\$]/) {
if ($arg =~ /'/) {
$arg =~ s/([\\'])/\\$1/g;
push @quoted, "\$'$arg'";
} else {
push @quoted, "'$arg'";
} else {
push @quoted, $arg;
join " ", @quoted;