#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Std qw(getopts); use Cwd qw/cwd/; sub sh ($); sub cleanup (); sub write_config_file ($); my %opts; getopts("lf:", \%opts) or die "Usage: $0 [-f] [-l] \n"; my $jobs = shift || 4; my $cwd = cwd(); if ($cwd !~ /openresty-(\d+(?:\.\d+)+(?:rc\d+(?:\.\d+)?)?)$/) { die "Bad current working directory: $cwd\n"; } my $ver = $1; my ($make, $lua); if ($^O eq 'freebsd' || $^O eq 'solaris') { $make = 'gmake'; } else { $make = 'make'; } my $cfg_opts = ""; if ($opts{l}) { $lua = 'Lua'; $cfg_opts .= " --with-lua51"; } else { $lua = 'LuaJIT'; #$cfg_opts .= " --with-luajit"; } if ($^O eq 'solaris') { $cfg_opts .= " --with-cc=gcc"; } if ($^O eq 'darwin') { $cfg_opts .= " --with-cc-opt='-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include/ " . "-I/usr/local/opt/pcre/include/'" . " --with-ld-opt='-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/ " . "-L/usr/local/opt/pcre/lib/'"; } my $prefix; my $config = do { local $/; }; sub write_config_file ($) { my $outfile = shift; warn "Writing file $outfile\n"; open my $out, ">$outfile" or die "Cannot open $outfile for writing: $!\n"; print $out $config; close $out; } write_config_file "/tmp/nginx.conf"; warn "\n=== Without FFI ===\n"; $prefix = "/usr/local/openresty-noffi"; cleanup(); unless ($opts{f}) { sh "./configure $cfg_opts --with-cc-opt='-DNGX_LUA_NO_FFI_API' --prefix=$prefix -j$jobs > /dev/null"; } sh "$make -j$jobs > /dev/null"; sh "sudo $make install > /dev/null"; sh "sudo cp /tmp/nginx.conf $prefix/nginx/conf/nginx.conf"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep $ver"; system "sudo killall nginx > /dev/null 2>&1"; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $lua"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $ver"; sh "curl -si localhost/cjson|grep 'json.safe: '"; sh qq{$prefix/bin/resty -e 'ngx.say("Hello World!")'|grep 'Hello World'}; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -sstop"; warn "\n=== --with-stream ===\n"; $prefix = "/usr/local/openresty-stream"; cleanup(); unless ($opts{f}) { sh "./configure $cfg_opts --with-stream --prefix=$prefix -j$jobs > /dev/null"; } sh "$make -j$jobs > /dev/null"; sh "sudo $make install > /dev/null"; sh "sudo cp /tmp/nginx.conf $prefix/nginx/conf/nginx.conf"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep $ver"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep '\\--with-stream'"; system "sudo killall nginx > /dev/null 2>&1"; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $lua"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $ver"; sh "curl -si localhost/cjson|grep 'json.safe: '"; sh qq{$prefix/bin/resty -e 'ngx.say("Hello World!")'|grep 'Hello World'}; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -sstop"; warn "\n=== --with-stream + dtrace static probes ===\n"; $prefix = "/usr/local/openresty-stream-usdt"; cleanup(); unless ($opts{f}) { sh "./configure $cfg_opts --with-dtrace-probes --with-stream --prefix=$prefix -j$jobs > /dev/null"; } sh "$make -j$jobs > /dev/null"; sh "sudo $make install > /dev/null"; sh "sudo cp /tmp/nginx.conf $prefix/nginx/conf/nginx.conf"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep $ver"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep '\\--with-stream'"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep '\\--with-dtrace-probes'"; system "sudo killall nginx > /dev/null 2>&1"; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $lua"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $ver"; sh "curl -si localhost/cjson|grep 'json.safe: '"; sh qq{$prefix/bin/resty -e 'ngx.say("Hello World!")'|grep 'Hello World'}; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -sstop"; warn "\n=== Without Gzip/SSL/PCRE ===\n"; $prefix = "/usr/local/openresty-nogzip"; cleanup(); unless ($opts{f}) { sh "./configure $cfg_opts --without-http_rewrite_module --without-http_ssl_module --without-pcre --without-http_gzip_module --prefix=$prefix -j$jobs > /dev/null"; } sh "$make -j$jobs > /dev/null"; sh "sudo $make install > /dev/null"; sh "sudo cp /tmp/nginx.conf $prefix/nginx/conf/nginx.conf"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep $ver"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep '\\--without-http_gzip_module'"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep -v -q '\\--with-http_ssl_module'"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep '\\--without-pcre'"; system "sudo killall nginx > /dev/null 2>&1"; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $lua"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $ver"; sh "curl -si localhost/cjson|grep 'json.safe: '"; sh qq{$prefix/bin/resty -e 'ngx.say("Hello World!")'|grep 'Hello World'}; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -sstop"; $cfg_opts .= " --with-http_iconv_module"; warn "\n=== --with-threads ===\n"; $prefix = "/usr/local/openresty-threads"; cleanup(); unless ($opts{f}) { sh "./configure $cfg_opts --with-threads --prefix=$prefix -j$jobs > /dev/null"; } sh "$make -j$jobs > /dev/null"; sh "sudo $make install > /dev/null"; sh "sudo cp /tmp/nginx.conf $prefix/nginx/conf/nginx.conf"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep $ver"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep '\\--with-threads'"; system "sudo killall nginx > /dev/null 2>&1"; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $lua"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $ver"; sh "curl -si localhost/cjson|grep 'json.safe: '"; sh qq{$prefix/bin/resty -e 'ngx.say("Hello World!")'|grep 'Hello World'}; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -sstop"; warn "\n=== No Pool Build ===\n"; $prefix = "/usr/local/openresty-nopool"; cleanup(); unless ($opts{f}) { sh "./configure --with-no-pool-patch $cfg_opts --prefix=$prefix -j$jobs > /dev/null"; } sh "$make -j$jobs > /dev/null"; sh "sudo $make install > /dev/null"; sh "sudo cp /tmp/nginx.conf $prefix/nginx/conf/nginx.conf"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep $ver"; #sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep '\\--with-no-pool-patch'"; system "sudo killall nginx > /dev/null 2>&1"; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $lua"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $ver"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep 'no pool'"; sh "curl -si localhost/cjson|grep 'json.safe: '"; sh qq{$prefix/bin/resty -e 'ngx.say("Hello World!")'|grep 'Hello World'}; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -sstop"; warn "\n=== Normal Build ===\n"; $prefix = "/usr/local/openresty"; cleanup(); unless ($opts{f}) { sh "./configure $cfg_opts -j$jobs > /dev/null"; } sh "$make -j$jobs > /dev/null"; sh "sudo $make install > /dev/null"; sh "sudo cp /tmp/nginx.conf $prefix/nginx/conf/nginx.conf"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep $ver"; system "sudo killall nginx > /dev/null 2>&1"; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $lua"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $ver"; sh "curl -si localhost/cjson|grep 'json.safe: '"; sh qq{$prefix/bin/resty -e 'ngx.say("Hello World!")'|grep 'Hello World'}; sh qq{$prefix/bin/restydoc -s listen | grep 'configures the port to accept HTTP/2'}; sh qq{$prefix/bin/restydoc opm | grep -E '^Status\$'}; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -sstop"; warn "\n=== Debug Build ===\n"; $prefix = "/usr/local/openresty-debug"; cleanup(); unless ($opts{f}) { my $more_cfg_opts = ''; if ($lua eq 'LuaJIT') { $more_cfg_opts .= " --with-luajit-xcflags='-DLUA_USE_TRACE_LOGS'" } sh "./configure --with-debug $cfg_opts $more_cfg_opts --prefix=$prefix -j$jobs > /dev/null"; } sh "$make -j$jobs > /dev/null"; sh "sudo $make install > /dev/null"; sh "sudo cp /tmp/nginx.conf $prefix/nginx/conf/nginx.conf"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep $ver"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep '\\--with-debug'"; system "sudo killall nginx > /dev/null 2>&1"; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $lua"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $ver"; sh "curl -si localhost/cjson|grep 'json.safe: '"; sh qq{$prefix/bin/resty -e 'ngx.say("Hello World!")'|grep 'Hello World'}; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -sstop"; warn "\n=== DTrace Build ===\n"; $prefix = "/usr/local/openresty-dtrace"; cleanup(); unless ($opts{f}) { sh "./configure $cfg_opts --with-dtrace-probes --prefix=$prefix -j$jobs > /dev/null"; } sh "$make -j$jobs > /dev/null"; sh "sudo $make install > /dev/null"; sh "sudo cp /tmp/nginx.conf $prefix/nginx/conf/nginx.conf"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep $ver"; sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep '\\--with-dtrace-probes'"; system "sudo killall nginx > /dev/null 2>&1"; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $lua"; sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $ver"; sh "curl -si localhost/cjson|grep 'json.safe: '"; if ($^O eq 'linux') { sh "stap -L 'process(\"$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx\").mark(\"*\")'|grep http__lua__coroutine__done"; } elsif ($^O eq 'freebsd' || $^O eq 'darwin' || $^O eq 'solaris') { sh "sudo dtrace -l|grep http-lua-coroutine-done"; } sh qq{$prefix/bin/resty -e 'ngx.say("Hello World!")'|grep 'Hello World'}; sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -sstop"; sub sh ($) { my $cmd = shift; system($cmd) == 0 or die "Command \"$cmd\" failed"; } sub cleanup () { sh "sudo rm -rf $prefix/lualib $prefix/luajit $prefix/bin $prefix/lua $prefix/nginx/sbin $prefix/nginx/html" . " $prefix/site $prefix/pod $prefix/resty.index"; } __DATA__ user nobody; worker_processes 1; error_log logs/error.log; pid logs/nginx.pid; events { accept_mutex off; worker_connections 256; } http { include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; init_by_lua ' if jit then require "resty.core" end '; upstream backend { server; balancer_by_lua_block { print("balancer!") } } server { listen *:80; server_name localhost; location = /lua { content_by_lua ' local upstream = require "ngx.upstream" if jit then ngx.say(jit.version) else ngx.say(_VERSION) end '; } location = /cjson { content_by_lua ' local json = require "cjson.safe" ngx.say("cjson.safe: ", json.encode{foo = 123}) '; } } }