#!/usr/bin/env bash #root=$(readlink -f -- "$(dirname -- "$0")/..") root=`perl -MCwd -e'print Cwd::abs_path(shift)' $(dirname -- "$0")/..` info_txt=`perl -e 'print "\033[33m[INFO]\033[0m"'` echo -n "openresty " . ./util/ver echo name=openresty-$version work=$root/work if [ -z $debug ]; then rm -rf $name || exit 1 mkdir -p $name/bundle || exit 1 fi bundle_dir=$root/$name/bundle cd $name/bundle || exit 1 if [ ! -d $work ]; then mkdir $work || exit 1 fi ################################# ver="$main_ver" $root/util/get-tarball "https://openresty.org/download/nginx-$ver.tar.gz" -O nginx-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf nginx-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 cd nginx-$ver || exit 1 echo "$info_txt applying the nginx-$main_ver-win32_max_err_str.patch" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-win32_max_err_str.patch || exit 1 echo answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.13.3` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the patch for nginx security advisory (CVE-2017-7529)" patch -p0 < $root/patches/patch.2017.ranges.txt || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.13.3` if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the stream_balancer_export patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-stream_balancer_export.patch || exit 1 echo echo "$info_txt applying the stream_proxy_get_next_upstream_tries patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-stream_proxy_get_next_upstream_tries.patch || exit 1 echo echo "$info_txt applying the stream_proxy_timeout_fields patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-stream_proxy_timeout_fields.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.13.6` if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the stream_ssl_preread_no_skip patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-stream_ssl_preread_no_skip.patch || exit 1 echo echo "$info_txt applying the resolver_conf_parsing patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-resolver_conf_parsing.patch || exit 1 echo echo "$info_txt applying the daemon_destroy_pool patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-daemon_destroy_pool.patch || exit 1 echo echo "$info_txt applying the init_cycle_pool_release patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-init_cycle_pool_release.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.5.12` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the patch for nginx security advisory (CVE-2014-0133)" patch -p0 < $root/patches/patch.2014.spdy2.txt || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.9.12` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the patch for nginx security advisory (CVE-2016-4450)" patch -p0 < $root/patches/patch.2016.write2.txt || exit 1 echo else answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.10.1` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the patch for nginx security advisory (CVE-2016-4450)" patch -p0 < $root/patches/patch.2016.write.txt || exit 1 echo fi fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.11.2` if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the balancer_status_code patch" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-balancer_status_code.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.11.2` if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the builtin_error_page_footer patch" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-builtin_error_page_footer.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.11.2` if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the delayed-posted-events patch" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-delayed_posted_events.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.11.2` if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the privileged-agent-process patch" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-privileged_agent_process.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.19.3` if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the privileged-agent-process-connections patch" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-privileged_agent_process_connections.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.11.2` if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the single-process-graceful-exit patch" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-single_process_graceful_exit.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.11.2` if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the intercept-error-log patch" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-intercept_error_log.patch || exit 1 echo fi echo "$info_txt applying the upstream-pipelining patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-upstream_pipelining.patch || exit 1 echo echo "$info_txt applying the server_header patch for nginx" cp $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-server_header.patch server_header.patch || exit 1 sed $"s/NGINX_VERSION \".unknown\"/NGINX_VERSION \".$minor_ver\"/" server_header.patch \ > server_header.patch.tmp && mv -f server_header.patch.tmp server_header.patch || exit 1 patch -p1 < server_header.patch || exit 1 echo #patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-redirect_memcpy_overlap.patch || exit 1 echo "$info_txt applying the no_error_pages patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-no_error_pages.patch || exit 1 echo echo "$info_txt applying the no_Werror patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-no_Werror.patch || exit 1 echo #patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-epoll_check_stale_wev.patch || exit 1 #patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-request_body_in_single_buf.patch || exit 1 #echo "INFO: applying the max_subrequests patch..."; #patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-max_subrequests.patch || exit 1 #echo "INFO: applying the subrequst_loop patch..."; #patch -p1 -l < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-subrequest_loop.patch || exit 1 #echo "INFO: applying the gzip_empty_flush_buf patch..."; #patch -p1 -l < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-gzip_empty_flush_buf.patch || exit 1 #patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-variable_header_ignore_no_hash.patch || exit 1 #echo "applying the named_location_clear_mods_ctx patch" #patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-named_location_clear_mods_ctx.patch || exit 1 #echo "$info_txt applying the allow_request_body_updating patch for nginx" #patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-allow_request_body_updating.patch || exit 1 #echo echo "$info_txt applying the log_escape_non_ascii patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-log_escape_non_ascii.patch || exit 1 echo #echo applying reset_wev_handler_in_named_locations.patch ... #patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-reset_wev_handler_in_named_locations.patch || exit 1 #echo applying filter_finalize_hang.patch ... #patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-filter_finalize_hang.patch || exit 1 answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.2.3` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the add_core_vars_polluting_globals patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-add_core_vars_polluting_globals.patch || exit 1 echo echo "$info_txt applying the resolver_debug_log_overflow patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-resolver_debug_log_overflow.patch || exit 1 echo echo "$info_txt applying the poll_del_event_at_exit patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-poll_del_event_at_exit.patch || exit 1 echo fi #echo "INFO: applying null-character-fixes patch" #patch -p0 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-null_character_fixes.patch || exit 1 #patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-gzip_ok_invalid_read_fix.patch || exit 1 answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.7.9` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the location_if_inherits_proxy patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-location_if_inherits_proxy.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.5.3` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the upstream_truncation patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-upstream_truncation.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.5.3` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the channel-uninit-params patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-channel-uninit-params.patch || exit 1 echo fi #echo "$info_txt applying the dtrace patch for nginx" #patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-dtrace.patch || exit 1 #echo answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.2.6` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the upstream_test_connect_kqueue patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-upstream_test_connect_kqueue.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.5.13` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the slab_alloc_no_memory_as_info patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-slab_alloc_no_memory_as_info.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.2.7` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the resolver_wev_handler_segfault_with_poll patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-resolver_wev_handler_segfault_with_poll.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.2.8` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the run_posted_requests_in_resolver patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-run_posted_requests_in_resolver.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.4.1` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying patches/nginx-$main_ver-cve-2013-2070.patch for nginx" patch -p0 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-cve-2013-2070.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.5.3` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying patches/nginx-$main_ver-invalid_referer_hash.patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-invalid_referer_hash.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.5.3` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the unix_socket_accept_over_read patch for nginx $ver" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$ver-unix_socket_accept_over_read.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.5.3` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the gzip_buffered_bug patch for nginx $ver" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$ver-gzip_buffered_bug.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.5.7` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the gzip_flush_bug patch for nginx $ver" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$ver-gzip_flush_bug.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.7.8` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the cache_lock_hang_in_subreq patch for nginx $ver" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$ver-cache_lock_hang_in_subreq.patch || exit 1 echo fi echo "$info_txt applying the proxy_host_port_vars patch for nginx $ver" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$ver-proxy_host_port_vars.patch || exit 1 echo echo "$info_txt applying the cache_manager_exit patch for nginx $ver" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$ver-cache_manager_exit.patch || exit 1 echo answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.7.4` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the proxy_ssl_handshake_timer patch for nginx $ver" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$ver-proxy_ssl_handshake_timer.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.7.4` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the geoip_init_var_fields patch for nginx $ver" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$ver-geoip_init_var_fields.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.4.4` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the CVE-2013-4547 patch for nginx $ver" patch -p0 < $root/patches/patch.2013.space.txt || exit 1 echo fi echo "$info_txt applying the larger_max_error_str patch for nginx $ver" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$ver-larger_max_error_str.patch || exit 1 echo echo "$info_txt applying the pcre_conf_opt patch for nginx $ver" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$ver-pcre_conf_opt.patch || exit 1 echo answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.9.2` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the upstream_filter_finalize patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-upstream_filter_finalize.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.5.9` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the resolve-names-with-a-trailing-dot patch for nginx $ver" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$ver-resolve-names-with-a-trailing-dot.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.7.1` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the setting_args_invalidates_uri patch for nginx $ver" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$ver-setting_args_invalidates_uri.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.7.2` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the slab_defrag patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-slab_defrag.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.7.8` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the resolver_del_event_invalid_read patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-resolver_del_event_invalid_read.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.7.7` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the hash_overflow patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-hash_overflow.patch || exit 1 echo fi if [ "$main_ver" = "1.9.7" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the resolver_security_fixes patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-resolver_security_fixes.patch || exit 1 echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.9.5` if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.14.1` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the patch for nginx security advisory (CVE-2018-16843 CVE-2018-16844)" patch -p0 < $root/patches/patch.2018.h2.txt || exit 1 echo elif [ `$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.15.0` = "Y" ]; then answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.15.6` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the patch for nginx security advisory (CVE-2018-16843 CVE-2018-16844)" patch -p0 < $root/patches/patch.2018.h2.txt || exit 1 echo fi fi fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.14.1` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the patch for nginx security advisory (CVE-2018-16845)" patch -p0 < $root/patches/patch.2018.mp4.txt || exit 1 echo else answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.15.6` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the patch for nginx security advisory (CVE-2018-16845)" patch -p0 < $root/patches/patch.2018.mp4.txt || exit 1 echo fi fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.9.5` if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.16.1` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the patch for nginx security advisory (CVE-2019-9511 CVE-2019-9513 CVE-2019-9516)" patch -p0 < $root/patches/patch.2019.h2.txt || exit 1 echo elif [ `$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.17.0` = "Y" ]; then answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.17.3` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the patch for nginx security advisory (CVE-2019-9511 CVE-2019-9513 CVE-2019-9516)" patch -p0 < $root/patches/patch.2019.h2.txt || exit 1 echo fi fi fi rm -f *.patch || exit 1 answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.17.8` if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the patch for nginx security issue https://hackerone.com/reports/513236" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-static_mod_escape_loc_hdr.patch echo fi echo "$info_txt applying the always_enable_cc_feature_tests patch to nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-always_enable_cc_feature_tests.patch echo echo "$info_txt applying the ssl_cert_cb_yield.patch patch to nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-ssl_cert_cb_yield.patch echo answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.17.1` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the ssl_pending_session.patch patch to nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-ssl_pending_session.patch echo else echo "$info_txt applying the ssl_sess_cb_yield.patch patch to nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-ssl_sess_cb_yield.patch echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.19.9` if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the ssl_sess_cb_yield.patch patch to nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-ssl_client_hello_cb_yield.patch echo fi answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 0.6.18` if [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then answer=`$root/util/ver-ge "$main_ver" 1.20.1` if [ "$answer" = "N" ]; then echo "$info_txt applying the patch for nginx security advisory (CVE-2021-23017)" patch -p0 < $root/patches/patch.2021.resolver.txt || exit 1 echo fi fi echo "$info_txt applying the upstream_timeout_fields patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-upstream_timeout_fields.patch || exit 1 echo echo "$info_txt applying the safe_resolver_ipv6_option patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-safe_resolver_ipv6_option.patch || exit 1 echo echo "$info_txt applying the socket_cloexec patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-socket_cloexec.patch || exit 1 echo echo "$info_txt applying the reuseport_close_unused_fds patch for nginx" patch -p1 < $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-reuseport_close_unused_fds.patch || exit 1 echo cp $root/html/index.html docs/html/ || exit 1 cp $root/html/50x.html docs/html/ || exit 1 cd .. || exit 1 cp $root/patches/nginx-$main_ver-no_pool.patch ./nginx-no_pool.patch || exit 1 sed $"s/NGINX_VERSION \".unknown/NGINX_VERSION \".$minor_ver/" \ ./nginx-no_pool.patch > ./nginx-no_pool.patch.tmp && \ mv ./nginx-no_pool.patch.tmp ./nginx-no_pool.patch \ || exit 1 rm -rf no-pool-nginx-$ver ################################# ver=0.62 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/echo-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O echo-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf echo-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-echo-nginx-module-* echo-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.06 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/xss-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O xss-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf xss-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-xss-nginx-module-* xss-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.3.1 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/simplresty/ngx_devel_kit/tarball/v$ver" -O ngx_devel_kit-$ver.tar.gz tar -xzf ngx_devel_kit-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv vision5-ngx_devel_kit-* ngx_devel_kit-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.32 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/set-misc-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O set-misc-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf set-misc-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-set-misc-nginx-module-* set-misc-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.15 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/rds-json-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O rds-json-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf rds-json-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-rds-json-nginx-module-* rds-json-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.09 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/rds-csv-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O rds-csv-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf rds-csv-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-rds-csv-nginx-module-* rds-csv-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.33 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/headers-more-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O headers-more-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf headers-more-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-headers-more-nginx-module-* headers-more-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.1.11 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/drizzle-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O drizzle-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf drizzle-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-drizzle-nginx-module-* drizzle-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.10.20 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module/archive/v$ver.tar.gz" -O lua-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv lua-nginx-module-$ver ngx_lua-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.07 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-upstream-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O lua-upstream-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-upstream-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-upstream-nginx-module-* ngx_lua_upstream-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.0.10 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/stream-lua-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O stream-lua-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf stream-lua-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-stream-lua-nginx-module-* ngx_stream_lua-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.05 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/array-var-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O array-var-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf array-var-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-array-var-nginx-module-* array-var-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.19 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/memc-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O memc-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf memc-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-memc-nginx-module-* memc-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.32 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/srcache-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O srcache-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf srcache-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-srcache-nginx-module-* srcache-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.12 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/calio/form-input-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O form-input-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf form-input-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv calio-form-input-nginx-module-* form-input-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.14 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/calio/iconv-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O iconv-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf iconv-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv calio-iconv-nginx-module-* iconv-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.08 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/encrypted-session-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O encrypted-session-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf encrypted-session-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-encrypted-session-nginx-module-* encrypted-session-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 ################################# #ver=0.7 #$root/util/get-tarball "http://mdounin.ru/files/ngx_http_upstream_keepalive-$ver.tar.gz" -O upstream_keepalive-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 #tar -xzf upstream_keepalive-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 #mv ngx_http_upstream_keepalive-* upstream-keepalive-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.3.9 $root/util/get-tarball "https://people.freebsd.org/~osa/ngx_http_redis-$ver.tar.gz" -O redis-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf redis-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv ngx_http_redis-* redis-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 cd redis-nginx-module-$ver echo "applying ngx_http_redis-$ver-variables_in_redis_pass.patch" patch -p1 < $root/patches/ngx_http_redis-$ver-variables_in_redis_pass.patch || exit 1 echo echo "applying ngx_http_redis-$ver-default_port_fix.patch" patch -p1 < $root/patches/ngx_http_redis-$ver-default_port_fix.patch || exit 1 echo cd .. ################################# ver=1.0 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/ngx_postgres/tarball/$ver" -O ngx_postgres-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf ngx_postgres-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-ngx_postgres-* ngx_postgres-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.2 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/FRiCKLE/ngx_coolkit/tarball/$ver" -O ngx_coolkit-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf ngx_coolkit-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv FRiCKLE-ngx_coolkit-* ngx_coolkit-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.15 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/redis2-nginx-module/tarball/v$ver" -O redis2-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf redis2-nginx-module-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-redis2-nginx-module-* redis2-nginx-module-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.28 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/resty-cli/tarball/v$ver" -O resty-cli-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf resty-cli-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-resty-cli-* resty-cli-$ver || exit 1 resty_cli=resty-cli-$ver ################################# ver=0.0.6 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/opm/tarball/v$ver" -O opm-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 tar -xzf opm-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-opm-* opm-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=2.1-20210510 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/luajit2/archive/v$ver.tar.gz" -O "LuaJIT-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf LuaJIT-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv luajit2-* LuaJIT-$ver || exit 1 cd LuaJIT-$ver || exit 1; echo "$info_txt applying the luajit-win32-default-paths patch for luajit $ver" patch -p1 < $root/patches/luajit-win32-default-paths.patch || exit 1 rm -r doc/ || exit 1 cd .. || exit 1 ################################# ver= $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-cjson/archive/$ver.tar.gz" -O "lua-cjson-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-cjson-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.13 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-redis-parser/archive/v$ver.tar.gz" -O "lua-redis-parser-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-redis-parser-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.06 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-rds-parser/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-rds-parser-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-rds-parser-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-rds-parser-* lua-rds-parser-$ver || exit 1 cd lua-rds-parser-$ver || exit 1 sed 's/\$(DESTDIR)\//$(DESTDIR)/g' Makefile > mk || exit 1 mv mk Makefile || exit 1 cd .. ################################# ver=0.22 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-dns/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-resty-dns-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-resty-dns-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-resty-dns-* lua-resty-dns-$ver || exit 1 cd lua-resty-dns-$ver || exit 1 sed 's/\$(DESTDIR)\//$(DESTDIR)/g' Makefile > mk || exit 1 mv mk Makefile || exit 1 cd .. ################################# ver=0.16 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-memcached/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-resty-memcached-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-resty-memcached-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-resty-memcached-* lua-resty-memcached-$ver || exit 1 cd lua-resty-memcached-$ver || exit 1 sed 's/\$(DESTDIR)\//$(DESTDIR)/g' Makefile > mk || exit 1 mv mk Makefile || exit 1 cd .. ################################# ver=0.29 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-redis/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-resty-redis-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-resty-redis-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-resty-redis-* lua-resty-redis-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.24 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-mysql/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-resty-mysql-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-resty-mysql-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-resty-mysql-* lua-resty-mysql-$ver || exit 1 cd lua-resty-mysql-$ver || exit 1 sed 's/\$(DESTDIR)\//$(DESTDIR)/g' Makefile > mk || exit 1 mv mk Makefile || exit 1 cd .. ################################# ver=0.07 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-limit-traffic/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-resty-limit-traffic-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-resty-limit-traffic-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-resty-limit-traffic-* lua-resty-limit-traffic-$ver || exit 1 cd lua-resty-limit-traffic-$ver || exit 1 sed 's/\$(DESTDIR)\//$(DESTDIR)/g' Makefile > mk || exit 1 mv mk Makefile || exit 1 cd .. ################################# ver=0.10 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-upload/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-resty-upload-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-resty-upload-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-resty-upload-* lua-resty-upload-$ver || exit 1 cd lua-resty-upload-$ver || exit 1 sed 's/\$(DESTDIR)\//$(DESTDIR)/g' Makefile > mk || exit 1 mv mk Makefile || exit 1 cd .. ################################# ver=0.14 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-string/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-resty-string-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-resty-string-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-resty-string-* lua-resty-string-$ver || exit 1 cd lua-resty-string-$ver || exit 1 sed 's/\$(DESTDIR)\//$(DESTDIR)/g' Makefile > mk || exit 1 mv mk Makefile || exit 1 cd .. ################################# ver=0.08 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-websocket/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-resty-websocket-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-resty-websocket-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-resty-websocket-* lua-resty-websocket-$ver || exit 1 cd lua-resty-websocket-$ver || exit 1 sed 's/\$(DESTDIR)\//$(DESTDIR)/g' Makefile > mk || exit 1 mv mk Makefile || exit 1 cd .. ################################# ver=0.08 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-lock/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-resty-lock-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-resty-lock-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-resty-lock-* lua-resty-lock-$ver || exit 1 cd lua-resty-lock-$ver || exit 1 sed 's/\$(DESTDIR)\//$(DESTDIR)/g' Makefile > mk || exit 1 mv mk Makefile || exit 1 cd .. ################################# ver=0.11 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-lrucache/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-resty-lrucache-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-resty-lrucache-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-resty-lrucache-* lua-resty-lrucache-$ver || exit 1 cd lua-resty-lrucache-$ver || exit 1 sed 's/\$(DESTDIR)\//$(DESTDIR)/g' Makefile > mk || exit 1 mv mk Makefile || exit 1 cd .. ################################# ver=0.1.22 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-core/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-resty-core-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-resty-core-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-resty-core-* lua-resty-core-$ver || exit 1 ################################# ver=0.06 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-upstream-healthcheck/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-resty-upstream-healthcheck-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-resty-upstream-healthcheck-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-resty-upstream-healthcheck-* lua-resty-upstream-healthcheck-$ver || exit 1 cd lua-resty-upstream-healthcheck-$ver || exit 1 sed 's/\$(DESTDIR)\//$(DESTDIR)/g' Makefile > mk || exit 1 mv mk Makefile || exit 1 cd .. ################################# ver=0.02 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-tablepool/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-tablepool-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-tablepool-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-tablepool-* lua-tablepool-$ver || exit 1 cd lua-tablepool-$ver || exit 1 sed 's/\$(DESTDIR)\//$(DESTDIR)/g' Makefile > mk || exit 1 mv mk Makefile || exit 1 cd .. ################################# ver=0.03 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-signal/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-resty-signal-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-resty-signal-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-resty-signal-* lua-resty-signal-$ver || exit 1 cd lua-resty-signal-$ver || exit 1 sed 's/\$(DESTDIR)\//$(DESTDIR)/g' Makefile > mk || exit 1 mv mk Makefile || exit 1 cd .. ################################# ver=0.03 $root/util/get-tarball "https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-shell/tarball/v$ver" -O "lua-resty-shell-$ver.tar.gz" || exit 1 tar -xzf lua-resty-shell-$ver.tar.gz || exit 1 mv openresty-lua-resty-shell-* lua-resty-shell-$ver || exit 1 cd lua-resty-shell-$ver || exit 1 sed 's/\$(DESTDIR)\//$(DESTDIR)/g' Makefile > mk || exit 1 mv mk Makefile || exit 1 cd .. ################################# rm *.tar.gz rm *.tar.bz2 cd .. cp $root/util/configure ./ || exit 1 cp $root/README.markdown ./ || exit 1 cp $root/util/install bundle/ || exit 1 mkdir util || exit 1 cp $root/util/package-win32.sh util/ || exit 1 cp $root/util/build-win32.sh util/ || exit 1 cp $root/COPYRIGHT ./ || exit 1 perl bundle/$resty_cli/bin/md2pod.pl $root/doc/README-windows.md | pod2text > README-windows.txt || exit 1 unix2dos README-windows.txt || exit 1 mkdir patches/ || exit 1 cp $root/patches/openssl-*.patch patches/ || exit 1 restydoc_index=$bundle_dir/$resty_cli/bin/restydoc-index #restydoc_index=echo #restydoc_index=$HOME/git/resty-cli/bin/restydoc-index nginx_xml2pod=$bundle_dir/$resty_cli/bin/nginx-xml2pod #nginx_xml2pod=echo #nginx_xml2pod=$HOME/git/resty-cli/bin/nginx-xml2pod # generate restydoc index from nginx docs curdir=$PWD cd $root/work/ || exit 1 if [ -d nginx.org ]; then cd nginx.org/ || exit 1 hg pull || exit 1 hg update --clean || exit 1 cd .. else hg clone http://hg.nginx.org/nginx.org || exit 1 fi cd nginx.org/ || exit 1 hg purge --config extensions.purge= || exit 1 find xml/en/docs -name 'ngx_http_api_module.xml' -delete rm xml/en/docs/njs/* $nginx_xml2pod xml/en/docs || exit 1 cd $curdir || exit 1 echo "restydoc-index $root/work/nginx.org" $restydoc_index --outdir bundle $root/work/nginx.org || exit 1 echo "restydoc-index $root/doc/lua-5.1.5" $restydoc_index --outdir bundle $root/doc/lua-5.1.5 || exit 1 echo "restydoc-index $root/doc/LuaJIT-2.1" $restydoc_index --outdir bundle $root/doc/LuaJIT-2.1 || exit 1 # generate restydoc index from openresty docs for indir in bundle/*/; do #echo "processing directory $indir ..." if [ "$indir" == "bundle/pod/" ]; then continue fi if [ "$indir" == "bundle/nginx-$main_ver/" ]; then continue fi echo "restydoc-index --outdir bundle $indir" $restydoc_index --outdir $curdir/bundle $indir || exit 1 done cd $curdir || exit 1 #find bundle -name '*.md' -delete #find bundle -name '*.markdown' -delete #find bundle -name '*.wiki' -delete find bundle -name '*~' -delete find bundle -name '.*' -delete find bundle -name '*.orig' -delete #find bundle -name '*.yml' -delete #find bundle -name '*.ini' -delete #find bundle -name '*.sql' -delete #find bundle -name '*.suppress' -delete #find bundle -name '*.rockspec' -delete #find bundle -name '*.spec' -delete #find bundle -name '*.json' -delete #find bundle -name '*.pm' -delete #find bundle -name '*.stp' -delete #find bundle -type d -name 't' -exec rm -r {} + #find bundle -type d -name 'web' -exec rm -r {} + # opm web/ dir #find bundle -type d -name 'util' -exec rm -r {} + cd $root || exit 1 tar cf $name.tar $name || exit 1 gzip -f --best $name.tar || exit 1