change: util/dist-check: removed 'without FFI' tests.

We also don't try to delete <prefix>/lua anymore since it does not
This commit is contained in:
Thibault Charbonnier 2019-08-06 17:20:42 -07:00 committed by Thibault Charbonnier
parent 9b1dbb6027
commit df6c3bcdcb
1 changed files with 1 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -73,26 +73,6 @@ sub write_config_file ($) {
write_config_file "/tmp/nginx.conf";
if (0) {
warn "\n=== Without FFI ===\n";
$prefix = "/usr/local/openresty-noffi";
unless ($opts{f}) {
sh "./configure $cfg_opts --with-cc-opt='-DNGX_LUA_NO_FFI_API' --prefix=$prefix -j$jobs";
sh "$make -j$jobs";
sh "sudo $make install";
sh "sudo cp /tmp/nginx.conf $prefix/nginx/conf/nginx.conf";
sh "$prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -V 2>&1 |grep $ver";
system "sudo killall nginx > /dev/null 2>&1";
sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx";
sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $lua";
sh "curl -si localhost/lua|grep $ver";
sh "curl -si localhost/cjson|grep ' '";
#sh qq{$prefix/bin/resty -e 'ngx.say("Hello World!")'|grep 'Hello World'};
sh "sudo $prefix/nginx/sbin/nginx -sstop";
if (1) {
warn "\n=== --without-stream ===\n";
@ -301,7 +281,7 @@ sub sh ($@) {
sub cleanup () {
sh "sudo rm -rf $prefix/lualib $prefix/luajit $prefix/bin $prefix/lua $prefix/nginx/sbin $prefix/nginx/html"
sh "sudo rm -rf $prefix/lualib $prefix/luajit $prefix/bin $prefix/nginx/sbin $prefix/nginx/html"
. " $prefix/site $prefix/pod $prefix/resty.index";