--- permalink: / --- # 186526 Network ![logo](logo/dark.svg) [![Build Status](https://ci.186526.xyz/api/badges/186526/net186-config/status.svg)](https://ci.186526.xyz/186526/net186-config) [![Bird Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/bird-%3E%3D%202.0.10-blue)](https://git.186526.xyz/186526/net186-config) [![status](https://img.shields.io/badge/status-operational-sucess)](https://uptime.186526.net) [![looking-glass](https://img.shields.io/badge/looking%20glass-available%20at%20lg.186526.net-blue)](https://lg.186526.net/) - AS200536, aka Sunoaki Network - Experimental global network - Operated by 186526 (Bo Xu) [@real186526](https://t.me/real186526), sponsored by Sunoaki Network LLC. ## Peering 186526 Network have an open peer policy. You can peer with us through our listed IX in [PeeringDB](https://www.peeringdb.com/net/31778) or through IP tunneling under IPv4. Documentation for the BGP Communities is [here](/communities). For your convenience, here are more info about peering. - ASN: `200536` - AS-SET: `AS-NET186` - Suggested IPv6 Prefix limit: `100` ### Transit 186526 network can provide free transit in some places. If you want to know more, please feel free to ask us. ## Contact To get in touch with me, please send mail to the following mailboxes. - Abuse: `abuse@186526.xyz` - NOC: `noc@186526.xyz`