
294 lines
9.9 KiB

use std::time::Duration;
use again::RetryPolicy;
use ipnet::Ipv6Net;
use regex::Regex;
use reqwest::header::{self, HeaderMap};
use serde::Deserialize;
use crate::{
http_client::{GhostClient, GhostClientBuilder},
util::{get_bytes, get_string, match_first_group},
use super::{
utils::paged::{PageFormatter, PageIndicator, Paged},
AlbumMeta, Collector, ImageData, ImageMeta,
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
static ref PAGE_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"<a href="(https://exhentai\.org/s/\w+/[\w-]+)">"#).unwrap();
static ref IMG_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"<img id="img" src="(.*?)""#).unwrap();
static ref TITLE_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r#"<h1 id="gn">(.*?)</h1>"#).unwrap();
static ref RETRY_POLICY: RetryPolicy = RetryPolicy::fixed(Duration::from_millis(200))
const CONFIG_KEY: &str = "exhentai";
const TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct EXCollector {
ghost_client: GhostClient,
raw_client: reqwest::Client,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct ExConfig {
pub ipb_pass_hash: String,
pub ipb_member_id: String,
pub igneous: String,
impl ExConfig {
fn build_header(&self) -> HeaderMap {
let cookie_value = format!(
self.ipb_pass_hash, self.ipb_member_id, self.igneous
// set headers with exhentai cookies
let mut request_headers = header::HeaderMap::new();
.expect("invalid ExConfig settings, unable to build header map"),
impl EXCollector {
pub fn new(config: &ExConfig, prefix: Option<Ipv6Net>) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
ghost_client: GhostClientBuilder::default()
raw_client: reqwest::Client::builder().timeout(TIMEOUT).build().unwrap(),
pub fn new_from_config() -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
let config: ExConfig = config::parse(CONFIG_KEY)?
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("exhentai config(key: exhentai) not found"))?;
Ok(Self {
ghost_client: GhostClientBuilder::default()
raw_client: reqwest::Client::builder().timeout(TIMEOUT).build().unwrap(),
pub fn get_client(&self) -> reqwest::Client {
impl Collector for EXCollector {
type FetchError = anyhow::Error;
type StreamError = anyhow::Error;
type ImageStream = EXImageStream;
fn name() -> &'static str {
async fn fetch(
path: String,
) -> Result<(AlbumMeta, Self::ImageStream), Self::FetchError> {
// normalize url
let mut parts = path.trim_matches(|c| c == '/').split('/');
let g =;
let album_id =;
let album_token =;
let (album_id, album_token) = match (g, album_id, album_token) {
(Some("g"), Some(album_id), Some(album_token)) => (album_id, album_token),
_ => {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("invalid input path({path}), gallery url is expected(like"));
let url = format!("{album_id}/{album_token}");
tracing::info!("[exhentai] process {url}");
let mut paged = Paged::new(0, EXPageIndicator { base: url.clone() });
let gallery_pages = paged.pages(&self.ghost_client).await.map_err(|e| {
tracing::error!("[exhentai] load page failed: {e:?}");
tracing::info!("[exhentai] pages loaded for {album_id}/{album_token}");
// Since paged returns at least one page, we can safely get it.
let title = match_first_group(&TITLE_RE, &gallery_pages[0])
.map(|s| s.to_string())
.unwrap_or_else(|| format!("exhentai-{album_id}"));
let mut image_page_links = Vec::new();
for gallery_page in gallery_pages.iter() {
PAGE_RE.captures_iter(gallery_page).for_each(|c| {
let matching = c.get(1).expect("regexp is matched but no group 1 found");
if image_page_links.is_empty() {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
"invalid url, maybe resource has been deleted, or our ip is blocked."
AlbumMeta {
link: url,
name: title,
class: None,
description: None,
authors: None,
tags: None,
EXImageStream {
raw_client: self.raw_client.clone(),
ghost_client: self.ghost_client.clone(),
image_page_links: image_page_links.into_iter(),
pub struct EXImageStream {
raw_client: reqwest::Client,
ghost_client: GhostClient,
image_page_links: std::vec::IntoIter<String>,
impl EXImageStream {
async fn load_image(
ghost_client: GhostClient,
raw_client: reqwest::Client,
link: String,
) -> anyhow::Result<(ImageMeta, ImageData)> {
let content = RETRY_POLICY
.retry(|| async { get_string(&ghost_client, &link).await })
let img_url = match_first_group(&IMG_RE, &content)
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow::anyhow!("unable to find image in page"))?;
let image_data = RETRY_POLICY
.retry(|| async { get_bytes(&raw_client, img_url).await })
"download exhentai image with size {}, link: {link}",
let meta = ImageMeta {
id: link,
url: img_url.to_string(),
description: None,
Ok((meta, image_data))
impl AsyncStream for EXImageStream {
type Item = anyhow::Result<(ImageMeta, ImageData)>;
type Future = impl std::future::Future<Output = Self::Item>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Future> {
let link =;
let ghost_client = self.ghost_client.clone();
let raw_client = self.raw_client.clone();
Some(async move { Self::load_image(ghost_client, raw_client, link).await })
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
struct EXPageIndicator {
base: String,
impl PageFormatter for EXPageIndicator {
fn format_n(&self, n: usize) -> String {
format!("{}/?p={}", self.base, n)
impl PageIndicator for EXPageIndicator {
fn is_last_page(&self, content: &str, next_page: usize) -> bool {
let html = format!(
"<a href=\"{}/?p={}\" onclick=\"return false\">",
self.base, next_page
mod tests {
use super::*;
async fn demo() {
let config = ExConfig {
ipb_pass_hash: "balabala".to_string(),
ipb_member_id: "balabala".to_string(),
igneous: "balabala".to_string(),
println!("config {config:#?}");
let collector = EXCollector::new(&config, None).unwrap();
let (album, mut image_stream) = collector
println!("album: {album:?}");
let maybe_first_image =;
if let Ok((meta, data)) = maybe_first_image {
println!("first image meta: {meta:?}");
println!("first image data length: {}", data.len());
async fn invalid_url() {
let config = ExConfig {
ipb_pass_hash: "balabala".to_string(),
ipb_member_id: "balabala".to_string(),
igneous: "balabala".to_string(),
println!("config {config:#?}");
let collector = EXCollector::new(&config, None).unwrap();
let output = collector.fetch("/g/2129939/00000".to_string()).await;
println!("output err {output:?}");
fn regex_match() {
// test page:
let r = Regex::new(r#"<a href="(https://exhentai\.org/s/\w+/[\w-]+)">"#).unwrap();
let h = r#"<div class="gdtm" style="height:170px"><div style="margin:1px auto 0; width:100px; height:140px; background:transparent url( -600px 0 no-repeat"><a href=""><img alt="007" title="Page 7: 2.png" src="" style="width:100px; height:139px; margin:-1px 0 0 -1px" /></a></div></div><div class="gdtm" style="height:170px"><div style="margin:1px auto 0; width:100px; height:100px; background:transparent url( -700px 0 no-repeat"><a href=""><img alt="008" title="Page 8: 3.png" src="" style="width:100px; height:99px; margin:-1px 0 0 -1px" />"#;
let mut iter = r.captures_iter(h);
let first =;
println!("{}", first.get(1).unwrap().as_str());
let second =;
println!("{}", second.get(1).unwrap().as_str());